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Junwoo runned to the front door as he knocked and the door opened to Jimin.

"Chim Samchon!" Junwoo yelled as Jimin smiled and carried Junwoo "Our Bunny!" You heard Hoseok and Taehyung yell. You close your cars door as you walked in the house nodding in disbelief.

"Ahhh Y/n!" Hoseok said as he hugged you "Hi Hobi Oppa" You said smiling at him as he let you go ruffling your hair

"Samchon's! I know who my daddy is!! He is handsome and cool and funny!" Junwoo said excitedly as he did a gesture for handsome, cool and funny. The 3 froze on there spot.

"Mommy! Can I come to your work? I want to see daddy again! Will he visit us?" Junwoo ask you with puppy eyes and a pout. You bend down looking at him as you fixed his hair and cupped his cheek. You smiled sweetily even if it hurted you knowing your son will face the truth onces this deal is over.

"Ofc, you will see him. I dont know if he will visit us because your dad is busy. Go to your room and changed clothes, please be careful sweetie" you said softly as he nodded and runned off.

"Explain" Taehyung demanded as you sat on the couch smiling.

"He doesnt know that He is his father" You said as they sigh in relief "Then what was that?" Jimin ask you seriously "You didnt let me finish....I had this-" You pause for a second. If you tell them they would go nuts and tell your brother even your cousin Jin and Namjoon. They also woukdnt let you work there anymore and make you quit but you needed the money to provide for you and junwoo.

"You had this?" Jimin ask giving you a 'what' face

"He thinks my boss is his father because they look the same. He definetly looked like a bunny, you know and my boss said he was fine but wanted me to tell him the truth" You said all in one go. Taehyung who was your best friend since childhood and cousin was suspicious. He knew you were lying when you say everything in one go.

"Really? Makes sense" Hoseok said letting it go as you smiled to them "So why are you guys here?" You ask them curious

"We didnt want to be at home, you know because *scoffs* he keeps on bringing his slutty girlfriend home and do it like yuck" Hoseok said making Jimin burst into laughter as he slapped Taehyungs thigh.

"Hyung!" Taehyung nudges Hoseok


"Its fine. I moved on" You said to them smiling bitterly. You knew it was a lie totally was.

"I dont know why he left you. You amazing Y/n, beautiful. Anyone would want to be with you" Jimin said to you

"Ig it wasnt meant to be like I said i've moved on" You said simply to them.


"Bye Samchons!" Junwoo waved as they waved goodbye before driving off. You looked at Junwoo as he looked at you "Is appa coming home? Its late eomma" Junwoo ask worried

"Ayyyy My son is worried for me?" You both looked at the sudden voice and saw Jeonghan walking towards the both of you with a smile. You were shocked that he knew your address and everything.

"Hey Jagiya.." He said happily as he pecked your cheek. Your chewks flushed red. you were to flustered to process things "Appa! Stop doing that! Eomma might turn red literally" Junwoo teased. Jeonghan and Junwoo high five as they laugh

Junwoo grabbed Jeonghans hand dragging him in. You snapped back to reality as you close the door. You looked behind you.

"Appa whats that!?" Junwoo ask Jeonghan

"Since when you were born, I wasnt there. I have a gift for you" Jeonghan said giving it to Junwoo. Junwoo opens the gift and it was a small monster truck with a controller

"WOW Eomma!its the limited addition monster truck!!" Junwoo said surprised "Do you like it? I didnt actually know what to buy-" Jeonghan was tuckled by Junwoo

"I love it appa! Thank you, this is the best!" Junwoo said as Jeonghan chuckled

"Mom can I play this pleaseee" Junwoo begged running to you with puppy eyes "Bun, its late already and its your bed time plus you have school tomorrow" You said to him as he sigh


"Junwoo listen to your mom. You can play with it tomorrow okay?" Jeonghan said as He sigh "Okay Mommy and Daddy" He said before walking

"Wheres my goodnight kiss from my little bunny huh?" You said trying to lighten up his mood as he runned to you kissing your cheek "Night Eomma!" He said as he runned to Jeonghan kissing his cheek

"Night Appa!" Junwoo runned off to his room. Silence took over the two of you "Mr.Yoon-" "Didnt I say to call jeonghan, Y/n?" He said with coldness "Right unmm...Do you want anything?" You ask him

"Water is fine" He said as you walked to the kitchen to get his water. After getting it you walked back and place it on the coffee table as you sat beside him.

"What brings you here?"

"Who's his father and where the heck is he?" He ask looking you in the eye. You were shocked at his sudden question "My Ex is his father...actually I left him...He was cheating on me with my best friend. We broke up on the day I found out I was pregnant with Junwoo. I was supposed to tell him but I caught him in bed with my best friend....Junwoo would cry everytime someone bullys him or says he was a mistake but I keep telling him, he isnt" You said looking at your lap as a tear drop.

"His an asshole to leave a girl like you. If I was him I would never do that because it will be the greatest mistake I will ever regret my entire life till death" Jeonghan said what he said made your heart skip a beat as you looked up. He looked at you, his eyes soften

"Dont cry....He isnt worth those tears" He said bringing his hand up as he wipe your tear away. You both look into each others eyes lose deeply in them.

"You never did deserve that Y/n...remember that" He said as he caressed your cheek with his thumb. Both stomachs with butterflies. Both hearts beating fast in sync.

"Do you i was never enough for him?" You ask him

"Your more then enough. I know that because your more then enough for me" Jeonghan replied without even thinking.

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