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You were caressing Junwoo's hair as he slept on your lap. His tears still stained his face breaking your heart at what he goes through because his- his real father left him. You bite your lip not wanting to think negative.

But thoughts made you think more negative. You looked at the window as tears falled down your cheek. You looked at Junwoo caressing his cheek.

"Im so sorry, My Little Bunny" You said to him as a whisper but enough for Jeonghan to hear because of the silent atmosphere.

"Didnt I say not to waste your tears because of him?" Jeonghan ask you with firmness in your voice "How can I not cry, when His Father is out there with some slut and not even knowing Junwoo existed. How can I not cry seeing my baby getting bullied because his father left him!? His grandparents hate him because of him I couldnt finish studies. They kicked me out because I was careless to get pregnant. Its so unfair for him to get this treatment" You said to Jeonghan. Jeonghan stops the car.

"Will talk in my office" He said getting out as he walked to the backseat carrying Junwoo in his arms. You got out as well with Junwoo's things and yours. You both got in the elevator in silence.

The Elevator made a ding sound as it opened. He brought Junwoo in your office laying him on the couch. You grabbed a blanket and out it above him and made him comfortable. You pecked his forehead. Jeonghan grabs your hand as he dragged you to his office.

Once you both got to his office. he closes the door. He made you sit on his couch as he did the same.

"You dont have to worry about his school. Ill pay for it. I love Junwoo even if I just met him. His a nice sweet kid Y/n. You raise him well" Jeonghan said as you looked at him. He had a small smile. He brought his hand up as he put it on your cheek wiping away the tear that fell.

"You both dont ever deserve to be treated that way" He said softly putting a strand of your hair behind your ear. Your heart beated fast at every word he said. Every touch he made.

His Heart beated fast as words he said. Every touch he made on you made him crazy and want to touch you more. Seeing you cry made him so soft and wanting to protect you. He pulled away clearing his throat. You looked away wiping your tears.

He stood up fixing his suit.

"We have a meeting in 10. Get ready" He said walking off to his desk. You stood up bowing to him before dashing out his office and to yours. You got to yours closing the door leaning on it as you put your hand in yiur chest feeling for fast heart beat.

Jeonghan sat on his chair as he leaned on it sighing putting his hand on his chest feeling his fast heartbeat

"What are you doing to me?" You both said at the same time but in different places


The hand went to 12 meaning it was lunch time. You walked to Junwoo, who was watching Ninja Go on your phone.

"Hey Bun, you hungry?" You ask junwoo as he looked at you pausing the video. He nodded cutely making you chuckle "Come on!" You said holding his tiny hand into your as you and him walked out your office. You walked to the elevator going to the ground floor.

It opened as you both walked out. Some workers were going to the right, Some to the left. You both went to the front but a hand grasp your wrist making you turn around but you lost your balance.

You let go of Junwoo's hands not wanting him to fall with you. You close your eyes waiting for the impact but your hands landed on a chest. As you felt hands on your waist. You look up and saw Jeonghan looking down on you.

Workers stop for a minute looking at you two. Jeonghan removes the hair that was blocking your face. They were shocked to see there cold boss with a girl and that girl was his secretary.

"Where do you both think your going without me?" He ask raising a brow qiestioning you. You got nervous by the position you were both in. You try to back up but he holds your waist tight pulling you to him more.

"To- uh..Eat?" You said more like a question "How do you think you will get to the destination without a car?" He ask one more time "I- uh..." You wanted to say taxi but iy got stuck mid way. You were to nervous.

"Next time, tell me. I was so worried seeing both of you not in your office" Jeonghan said giving you a pout. You were shocked literally. He looked....cute? But you were double shocked when he pecked your cheek. You knew you were supposed to be used to it because he will be doing it more often, tomorrow and so on until the deal is done.

"Ewwww! Appa stop making mommy red" Junwoo said making a disgusted face. Jeonghan looked at Junwoo laughing. Everyone was shocked at the sudden name call of Junwoo that they started to whisper.

"And Stop kissing Eomma! She is mine" Junwoo said pouting "To bad" Jeonghan teased sticking his tongue out as Junwoo did the same. You took the chance to get out his grip but he pulled you to  him away.

"Who said you could leave missy?" He ask you seriously "Daddy! Stop it! Stop stealing my mommy" Junwoo said pouting more as  his eyes started to gloss. Yoi got worried carrying him

"Shhh its okay!" You said patting his back. Junwoo stick his tongue who to Jeonghan. Jeonghan pouted at Junwoo.

"Are you coming or what?" You ask Jeonghan ask he pout at you. A guard gave him his keys as he grabbed your hand dragging you out his office

"What a cute family" One of the co-workers said giggling.

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