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You tuck Junwoo in his bed. He was already alseep as soon as you got to his room. You caressed his hair as a smile crept your face.

"Im so sorry..." You said to him as a tear drop. You sniffled "Im so sorry...that I can not give you a complete family....Im so sorry my bunny" You said as you pecked his forehead

"Always know Mommy loves you...I love you" You said as you wipe away the tears and just stare at Junwoo. You stood up walking to the door closing the lights taking a glance at Junwoo before closing the door. You walked to your room but saw Jeonghan got up the stairs. you and him stare at each other before you broke it by walking in your room closing it shut and locking it.

Jeonghan's heart ached. He went to his room.

"Please dont give up on me..." He said as he leaned on the door of his room closing his eyes as a drop of tears fell "Wait for me...a little. i need to settle things" He said to himself.


You were cooking breakfast. For you, junwoo and....Jeonghan. even if he broke your heart, you cant bare seeing him skip meals or anything. you werent cold hearted after all.
You heard giggling. You look up and saw Jeonghan with Junwoo on his shoulders.

"Morning Mommy" He said showing you his bunny smile. You gave him a smile "Good Morning" You said smiling. Your eyes soon landed on his. You looked away continuing to prepare breakfast.

"Yay! Bacon and Eggs!" Junwoo cheered as Jeonghan sat him down.

"Im skipping. I have to meet with a friend" Jeonghan said looking at you. You were gonna ask where and what for but you remember what he said to you last night



"Okay" You said simply. Jeonghan who was waiting for you answer heard his heart crack.

"Oh umm okay" He said as a whisper and mostly to himself

"Im going now" Jeonghan said as he gave Junwoo a peck on the forehead ruffling his hair

"Take care Daddy!" Junwoo said earning a chuckle from Jeonghan as he smiled at the boy. He looked at you

"Y/n im going now" He said as you nodded not giving attention to him. He sigh "I love you" He said but not enough for you to hear

"What?" You ask turning to look at him confused. He gave you a small smile "Nothing" He said walking off as he got out the house. He pushed his hair back

"Coward" He mumbled to himself.


"Mommy why are we packing our things? I thought we will be here for 1 week? Its only been 3 days" Junwoo said as he furrowed his eyebrows as he scrunches his nose


"So your really leaving?" You look behind to see Jana and Yeonjun "Yeonjun can you play with Junwoo for a bit?" You ask him "Sure Noona come on Junwoo" Yeonjun said as they walked out. Jana sat beside you

"Unnie...I heard you and jeonghan oppa fight. So you arent really together?" Jana ask you as you sigh "Yes we arent. Junwoo isnt his or anything. i agreed to this because I needed the money to pay bills, buy food and give education for Junwoo..My family doesnt accept Me nor Junwoo. Im sorry for lying Jana" You said sighing

"Its fine Unnie...Im not mad or upset But Junwoo's father?" Jana ask furrowing her eyebrows "He cheated on me...and said he didnt love me anymore" You said looking at Jana giving her a painful smile

"Oh..Unnie Im not mad. I knew you were doing this for Junwoo. Im here to ask if you wanna fly back together with me and yeonjun? We are going to our clothing store in seoul, later by 5" Jana said smiling sweetily

"Really? Thats so sweet of you" You said smiling

"Let me help you pack unnie" Jana said as you smiled as she helped you pack


Jeonghan walked in the cafe, he told the person he will meet to go at. A person waved to him as he went there and sat in front of him. They shook hands



They let go of each others hands

"Lets get straight to the point. Did you get the evidence?" Jeonghan ask leaning on the chair as Mr.Lim went through his black bag. He bring out a folder.

"Yes, I still have the evidence from years ago. I knew it would come in handy" He said as he opened the folder turning to around and showing to Jeonghan. Jeonghan looms through the pages.

"And The Video?" He ask looking at Mr.Lim with a raise brow. He grabbed his phone openi g and it scrolling. He played a video showing it to Jeonghan.

"This are evidence that Ms.Sowon cheated and used you for money. I hope whatever gonna do with this will benefit you Jeonghan"  Mr.Lim said as Jeonghan looked at him. They looked at each other in the eyes seriously as they burst out laughing

"Last time I saw you. You were 17. Now your a grown man. Have you found the one?" Mr.Lim said chuckling "Yeah I did JB hyung" Jeonghan said smiling.

"So is she the reason for you asking for the evidence again?" JB raise a brow smirking "What else?" Jeonghan said as both of them chuckles

"So shes back?"

"Yeah and Apperantly my father thinks I still like her. My Father is trying to break me and Y/n" Jeonghan sighing

"So the ones name is Y/n" JB said as Jeonghan smiled hearing your name

"Knew it" JB said smiling proudly

"I really hope this evidence helps Jeonghan and Win her heart okay?" JB said to Jeonghan as he nodded "I will hyung and thanks" Jeonghan said gathering the things. As Him and JB shook hands and bowed to each other

"Invite to your wedding" JB said smiling

"I will dont worry Hyung" Jeonghan said smiling as both of them parted ways. Jeonghan got in his car as he place the evidence on the passenger seat beside him. He started the car

"Okay....Time to start phase two of the plan...Wait a little longer Y/n" He said as he drove off.

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