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"Who was that?" Jisoo ask who was playing games with Jin at the T.V. The kids all walked back in to here Jin yell as Well for Jisoo. They were amazed by the game

"It was a handsome gut in a tuxedo. Wrong beach house" Jennie explained. The door bell rang again "Ill get that" Lisa said standing up as she went to the door opening it to Jeonghan who was about to speak but got the door slammed on his face again. He sith in frustration. He was stressed.

Lisa came back plopping beside Jungkook. you saw but choose to ignore "Who?" Namjoon this time ask closing his small book "Business man asking etc things" Lisa said boredly soon your phone rang. You saw the ID . Angel Oppa. You smiled to yourself answering it.


Everyone looked at you confused. Jin dropped the controller as well for Jisoo. The kids took over the playing.

-Hey Love

-How did it go? Are you on your way?

-It went well, really good actually but the second question...Are you sure about the beach house. I actually got my doors slammed on my handsome face

You chuckled everyone was shocked. This was the first time in 5 years that they heard that angelic in love chuckle. Jungkook who heard it, hearts beat as memories of both of you flooded him but he shook it off. A sweet in love smile plastered om your face

-Heyyy...Your Mean

-Even when were talking on phone your pouting. Im gonna open the door

You ended the call standing up. No one had courage to ask anything. You disappeared from there sight

"Her chuckle was full of love and it was angelic" Hoseok said surprise "Somethings wrong. I think she hit her brain. She is supposed to be upset over *scoffs* jungkook *scoffs*" Jimin said as Jungkook sighs knowing what they meant.

Meanwhile you opened the door. To jeonghan who was there standing. Once he saw you a big smile spread his face. His white teeth showing, it made your heart skip a beat.

"Hey Angel" He said as he pulled you into a kiss. You kissed him back but soon pulled away "May I remind you. We arent home" You said as he pouted like a kid as you pulled him in the beach house. You give him the bag with his clothes.


"There" You pointed out "Living room straight okay? Okay" You said as you pecked his cheek walking off. He smiled as he walked in the bathroom. You sat back down

"Where did you go?" Rose ask you

"Let someone in" You said to her as she nodded "What are you guys looking at? Flies might fly in" You said Jin closed his mouth "Im to handsome to swallow a disgusting fly" Jin cringed

"So um...You have a kid?" Jungkook said as everyone looked at him and you "Yeah I do" you said to him simply "So your married?" Jungkook ask again "Nope" You said to him

"Not yet" Everyone looked up to see Jeonghan pushing his hair back. You blushed madly "W-what-" He walked to you trapping your between his arms

"Dad, Mommy is mine!" Junwoo pushed Jeongyan as Junwoo protected you. Jeonghan pouts crossing his arms "Aigoo so cute Han~ah-" Junwoo looked at you with puppy eyes "Awwwww myyy baby boy is the cutest man in the world" You gave him kisses as he giggled

"Han stop pouting" Seungcheol said patting his shoulder "What are you doing here? Your supposed to take care of the kids. Joshua is busy, Jun is back at china and Jihoon is at the entertainment 24/7-" Jeonghan was cut off

"You left them your company Hyung, There 24/7 busy" Wonwoo stated

"His your boyfriend!?" The girls said shocked "His the one I slammed the door at" Lisa and Jennie said in unison. Jeonghan sat beside you.

"Your...Handsome" Jin said surprise "So his your son?" Jungkook ask seriously to Jeonghan "Is there a problem with that? And yes he is" Jeonghan said to Jungkook

"Whats going on-"

"Lisa can you check on Samchon and imo at the other beach house?" Jin ask sweetily as Lisa smiled and obeyed "Your the famous jungkook huh?" Jeonghan said keeping his cool "Yes, I am and you are-" "Yoon Jeonghan" He cutted Jungkook off

"Why does your son look like me?" Jungkook ask as everyone went quiet "Because his yours isnt it obvious Jungkook?" You said to him rolling your eyes. Jungkooks eyes widen

"Why didnt you tell me?" He ask softly to you "You broke up with me Jungkook" You said to him as he looked at his lap "Im so sorry-" "It fine" You said to him "Nothings gonna change now"

Someone knocked on the glass back door. Everyones eyes looked seeing Jana. She slides the door open

"Do you perhaps know a Kim Y/n- Oh Unnie there you are. Appa and Eomma wants to borrow our little junwooo. Oh Hey Oppa" Jana said waving

"Can I mommy?" He ask you with pleading eyes "Dont get lose from your Jana Imo's sight" You said as he got of your lap smiling running to jana. They went off

"Dude how?" Jimin ask Jeonghan

"How what?" Jeonghan said furrowing his eyebrows "How did you fall for her-" Jimin earned a smack from Yoongi

"HYUNG NOONA! MINGYU BROKE THE FRIDGE HANDLE!" Vernon yelled earning sighs from you and jeonghan "KIM MINGYU!" Jeonghan yelled as Seungcheol gave you and jeonghan his gummy smile

"Would you both be happy if I say....the floor ate the food?" Seungcheol said as Wonwoo face palmed closing his book. Jeonghan was literally pissed while you pout "My Food..." You said upset

"No more food on my birthday great" Jisoo said rolling her eyes playing mario cart with Jin. Your stomach started to rumble as you sigh. Jeonghan notice

"You hungry?"

You nodded at his question

"Seungcheol! Is there any thing in the fridge?" Jeonghan yelled "Yeah there is!" Seungcheol yelled back "When I get there, the mess must be cleaned up or ALL OF YOU ARE OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Jeonghan yelled as rushing footteps were heard.

"It looks like im cooking today" Jeonghan said making you look at him "You cook?" You scrunched your nose "Yes I do Angel" He said pecking your lips standing up walking away

"Awww so sweet" The girls cooed as you blushed looking away. jungkook who was watching everything sighs in sadness but smiled proud you moved on.

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