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They stared at each others eyes but was interrupted by a sleep voice. They both looked in front of them

"Mommy Daddy are you fighting?" Junwoo ask as he hugged his dear pillow rubbing his eyes as he yawn "What no!" You said going to him as Jeonghan pulled his hand away. You kneeled in front of him.

"Then why are you crying mommy?" He ask softly with eyes of worry. You smiled looking at him "im just- I just missed your dad. Am i right Hannie?" You said looking at him. Jeongyan was shocked at the nickname but he smiled

"Yes" Jeonghan replied.

"Baby why are you here?" You ask him curious "I couldnt sleep. Can you sing that song, you always sing mommy?" He ask curious as you smiled carrying him.

"Daddy come with!" Junwoo said as you tense up. You looked at Jeonghan who looled unsure "Im pretty sure your father is tired from work junwoo-" Junwoo cuts you off

"Then Appa can sleep with us! Like a happy family!" Junwoo said giggling making Jeonghan chuckle at his cuteness but was hesitant. You in the meanwhile felt bad for Junwoo. you felt like a bad mother knowing onces this pretend date thing will end. He learn the truth.

"You wanna come jeonghan?" You ask looking at Jeonghan with a smile "Anything for my two angels!" Jeonghan said standing up "Yay!" Junwoo said as he made grabby hands to Jeonghan. Jeonghan carries Junwoo as they walk up the stairs.

You chuckled as you followed them completely forgetting the thoughts you had awhile ago. You got to Junwoo's room seeing Junwoo dragging Jeonghan beside him.

"I think your mom will be mad" Jeonghan said looking at me "Appa, Eomma loves you to much to get mad" Junwoo teased "Are you really a 5 year old and my baby?" You ask sitting on the bed as you caressed his hair maming him giggle

"Sing mommy! Sing!" Junwoo said energetically. "Okay Bunny" You said smiling. Jeonghan turned to his side to watch you and listen to this so called song that Junwoo likes.

As soon as you finish singing Junwoo was fast asleep

"Goodnight my little bunny" You said softly as you pecked his forehead with a soft smile. You looked beside him and to see Jeonghan fast asleep as well. You walked to his side as you were about to wake him up but stopped as you examine his features.

His blonde hair showing his forehead, his smooth and clear skin, His cute pointy nose, his pink tainted lips and his defined jaw line made him look like an angel drop from heaven. You lifted up your hand as you moved his hair a little bit as he scratched his cheek lightly.

"Cute...." You said smiling but snapped out of it. You shook him

"Jeonghan wake up" You said he opened his eyes sitting up "You sang great" He said to you as you smiled. He stood up "Im going home. ill see you at the office and you can bring Junwoo there. Id loved to see him there" Jeonghan said looking at fast asleep Junwoo. He smiled

"Ill see you tomorrow kay? Get some sleep" He pecked your forehead walking off. You were left there dumbfounded. You touched your forehead.

"Did he just- No, Im hallucinating- But....He really did" You said as your heart beated fast at the thought of him pecking your forehead even if Junwoo wasnt awake.

"His playing with you Y/n. Get a hold of yourself!" You said as you walked out Junwoo's room closing the door slowly. you heard the a car drove off. You sigh in relief

"His your boss...His your boss" You said shaking it off


"Mommy I dont wanna go to school!" Junwoo whined as he was not moving an inch "Junwoo-" "Mommy! I want to see daddy plus I will get bullied again for not having a daddy" Junwoo said upset

"Who bully's you?" You looked behind you and saw Jeonghan walking to the both of you. you were really shocked "Appa!" Junwoo runned to him hugging him. Jeonghan chuckled

"Hey Buddy. Hey Jagi" Jeonghan said smiling. When he said Jagi your heart skip a beat but you knew to your self that it was just all an act

"Why are you here?" You ask him out of nowhere "Im here to pick up my two angels ofc" He said looking at you "Dont you need to be at the office?" You ask knowing he has a tight schedule today

"That cant wait. Family is more important plus we will show those bully's not to bully, My Son!" Jeonghan said proudly as Junwoo chuckled at Jeonghan's actions. A smile crept your face as you followed them both to his car.

You three got buckled up as Jeonghan drove off.

"I cant wait to see you kick there butts dad!" Junwoo said excited "I thought you didnt want to go to school?" You ask him confused "But Mommy! Its different now! Dad is here! Our superman!" Junwoo said proudly making Jeonghan smile

"Tomorrow is a big day. You know why?" Jeonghan ask

"Because no school?"

"No silly!" Jeonghan said chuckling at Junwoo's cuteness "Me, You and Your Mom will be going on vacation as a family and meeting your grandparents" Jeonghan said making Junwoo's eyes lit up "Vacation!? Yay!!!! We finally get to spend time with Daddy, Mommy and we are going to another country!!!" Junwoo said happily making you chuckle

"Yes Honey, I know" You said to him smiling. The car stopped

"Yes! School!" Junwoo said getting out the car "How did you-" "I have my ways" Jeongyan said with no emotion. Last night he was sweet and kind but now. He is back to his arrogant cold self. You got out the car with him

You saw Junwoo with boys but they look like they were bullying him. One pushed him making you boil in anger before you could even react. Jeonghan runned to Junwoo catching some moms attention seeing the most successfull young people to bring a successfull company.

"Appa!" Junwoo said to Jeonghan "Where are you parents!? At a young age, you are so disrespectful" Jeonghan said angrily as slutty moms came

"Omg CEO Jeonghan" A girl said Jeonghan carried Junwoo who was crying "Now I see where your sons get there personalities from" Jeonghan spat "Whatever but I think I can be better then your wife" The woman said smirking.

"Mommy!" Junwoo said as you runned to him carrying him "My Baby Bunny" You said rubbing his back but what made you shock next was Jeonghan grabbing you by the waist.

"No one can ever be better then my girl. If one of your sons bully mine. I wont tolerate this at all!" Jeonghan yelled as teacher came

"Mr.Yoon" The principal said bowing "Please teach children right!" Jeonghan said as the principal caught what he meant. Jeonghan turned to you and Junwoo

"Hey Buddy look at me" Jeonghan said as Junwoo looked at Jeonghan "Thank you Daddy" Junwoo said Jeonghan turned to the Principal

"Sign my son out this school" Jeonghan said angry "Wha-" He cuts you off "Sir Jeonghan-" "Sign my son out" Jeonghan said as he carried Junwoo holding your hand as he dragged you away from them. You were shocked with his behavior but a small smile crept your face.

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