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"Hungry?" Jeonghan ask you as you looked at him if he was crazy

"Ofc, Im hungry. Have you ever gone to a date in empty stomach?" You ask him seriously and sassily as you crossed your arms

"Alright jeez!" He said as he laughed at your new behavoir that he has never seen. He keeps driving as he stopped to a dog cafe. Your eyes lighten up seeing puppies in the cafe. Jeonghan stopped the car as he looked at you after unbuckling his seatbelt.

"So cute!" You cooed as you took your seatbelt of started getting out.

"Wait!" He yelled making you stop. You looked at him confused. He got out the car and rushed to yourself opening the car. You got out giggling.

"You know I can do it myself right?" You ask him crossing your arms smiling at him "I know, I wanted to be sweet you know" He said pouting "Cute!" You said as you squished his cheeks making him blushed.

"Dont do that. Your making me flustered. Im supposed to be the one making you flustered" He said pouting more making you chuckled "And how are you gonna do that?" You ask him smirking

"Are you challenging me?" He ask leaning forward. One move and your lips touch. your heart was going crazy. You bite your lip looking down

"Look me in the eye Princess" He said you didnt know why but what he said made you obey in an instant. You stare at each other for a moment but he started laughing pulling away. you blushed in embarrassment.

"Look at you so flustered" He said looking at you with a smile but continue to laugh "Keep laughing and Im not flustered" You said walking away as he started to walk as well.

"Say that to your face" He said teasingly as you slapped his forearm making him groan "Admit it. You thought I was gonna kiss you" Jeonghan said as you face him

"Who would want to kiss you? I would rather kiss the floor" You said as you continue walking "Oh really?" Jeonghan said challenging you "Yes really" You said to him. He turned you around smashing his lips on yours. You kissed him back but then what You said came to your mind. You pushed him away.

"Dont kiss me" You said as you walked away.

"Says the one who kissed me back and the one who said who would kiss you and the one who said she will-"

"Shut up Jeonghan!" You yelled to him as he laughed knowing he got you. He walked in the dog cafe after you did. You both went to the cashier to order food. You both said what food you will eat to the cashier. The cashier was a girl. She looked like in her 20's.

She was looking at Jeonghan but he wasnt paying attention to her as his attention was on his phone as you tell her your boths orders. She was biting her lip trying to get his attention.

"That will be 50$" She said seductively after you ask how much in english. You were literally boiling in anger. You wanted to punch that face of her body. You clenched your fist. You were gonna open your purse but Jeonghan paid instead. He spoke in korean.

"Its a date Y/n. Everything is on me on our date" He said looking at you


"No buts" He said as you sigh to him. He looked at the chasier. She gave him 50$ change since he paid 100$. She also handed him a small paper.

"Ill be getting your order" She said but you stop her

"Put it in take out" You said as she nodded. She walked away. you and jeonghan stood there waiting.

"What was the paper she gave you?" You ask him as He lookeds at the paper "Her number why?" He ask you confused as he furrowed his eyebrows "Nothing" You said to him smiling bitterly.

She came back with one bag and the drinks.

"Here is your take out" She said Jeonghan took the bags and drinks. She was still biting her lip and licking it. You cleared your throat

"Oppa!" You said looking at the Jeonghan with a smile. He looked at you shocked while the girl looked at you confused at what you said.

"Can we go to the park before going to the amusement park?" You ask him as he was shocked. Super shocked that his ears turned red. You gave him a sweet smile.

"Alright" He said nervously chuckling. You snatched the paper in his hand and shoved it on the cashiers face. As she looked at you with anger. You gave her a innocent smile.

"He doesnt have time to talk with you sweetie" You said her sweetily before grabbing Jeonghan's hand stomping out the restuarant anger boiling some customers laughed at the cashier as they witness her flirting. Jeonghan literally shocked with your behavoir. you both stopped by his car

"She was getting in my nerves. I was close to punching her whole face of her body" You said turning to Jeonghan as you said those words through gritted teeth. Jeonghan now understands what you meant.

"Did she make you angry because she was flirting with me princess?" Jeonghan said with a smirk. Your eyes widen

"What no-"

"Ig ills ask for number then" He said teasingly but you become quiet. He notice as he opened tbe car putting the food in. He put his index and thumbed on your chin making you look at him

"I was joking. I would never change you for a slut" He said as you smiled but looked away

"Your saying that like were dating" You said to him as he sigh

"Soon, We will be dating" He mumbled to himself "What?" You ask him confused "I said Lets go and eat before our food gets cold" He said smiling as he walked to the driver seat.

"Lies.." You mumbled as you clearly heard what he said.

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