Chanel #5

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Shoto slammed his books down onto the pink-haired girl's table.

"Ashido, I need your help." He stated when she gave him a questioning look.

"I kinda got that, but what do you need ?" She replied, quirking her eyebrows at him.

"Shut up. I'm pretending to tutor you. So keep quiet." He hissed, dragging a chair over to her table.

Mina would've felt insulted, but curiosity got the better of indignation. Because Todoroki wasn't one to normally go around asking for help, so this definitely had to be interesting.

"Alright. So what do you need ?" She stage-whispered when the boy finally settled down.

"I-uh........My friend. Yeah, my friend. He has a bit of a problem." Shoto was starting to have second thoughts about this. Maybe it wasn't as good of an idea as he'd thought a few minutes back.

Mina was giving him a look, "Go on."

Shoto sighed internally, no turning back now that he was already here.

"He has this really good friend, who he just recently became friends with, but for some reason he feels strange around them." He continued, as Mina's eyes went wide in excitement.

"I think I'm onto something, but tell me more. What kind of strange feelings ?!" She squealed, Shoto narrowing his eyes and shushing her.

"It' his heart races everytime he sees that friend and he feels jealous when he sees how close that friend is with everybody else....and he feels over protective of them. Whenever he sees them smile, it's like his whole world just lights up and he feels happy just knowing they exist...." Shoto kept rambling, giving a description waaaaaay too detailed for trying to figure out stuff for a "Friend". The entire time his face wore a pink dusting which he hoped she hadn't noticed.

"I KNEW IT!" Mina suddenly jumped up, punching the air with a eureka feel. She had figured it out ages ago, this was only confirmation.

The entire class's attention was on her in 0.5 seconds, Bakugo mumbling profanities. Shoto mentally threw himself off a building, he was SO right about regretting this. 

"It's obvious that the answer is 3250, Ashido. No need to get so hyped about that. Sit down, we have a lot more to finish learning." He coolly lied, averting the situation successfully as most of the class went back to what they were doing, snickering.

Mina realized what she was doing and sobered up, sitting down sheepishly, Todoroki giving her a 100% Bakugo Katsuki Glare, "I thought I told you to keep it down. What part about Shut Up do you not understand ?"

"Okay, M'sorry, Todoroki. But let me tell you what I figured out." She conspiratorially whispered.

Shoto had an internal battle with himself for a few seconds before finally relenting, "Fine. Tell me."

"Your friend has a......" She paused for dramatic effect.

"What is it ?" He leaned forward, genuinely curious.

"Your friend has a........." She paused again.

I call this the cringiest cliffhanger ever. 

Enjoy Pumpkin squad.

Love <3 <3,


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