Chanel #6

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A/N: Thank you @ConnivingBookNerd for being an absolute bop. This one's for you. <3 <3

Shoto understood Bakugo for a moment, as Mina paused for the third time.

"Can you fucking spit it out already ?" He was considering not listening to her and just storming off, which would be a waste of a good 15 minutes of his thinking time, but if she paused one more damn time, he was gonna up and leave.

Mina could sense that he was getting pissed off so she cut to the chase, "Your friend, Todobroski, has a crush." She sat back to let him process that.

He was frozen with shock. Like someone had trapped him in his own ice. Mina had to literally knock him on the head to get him back on Earth.

"Stars and Skies, Todoroki. I was right." Mina lazily remarked as Sero and Kaminari walked by.

The two halted, the sudden use of a certain Baku-code phrase dropping a bombshell of news on them. They glanced at each other, before rushing off to tell the rest of the Bakusquad. This was not news to be taken lightly.

Shoto, on the other hand, was trying to pull his thoughts together, being incapable of thinking straight both figuratively as well as literally at that moment.

"Uhm.....Excuse me. I'll be right back." He abruptly stood up and rushed out of the class, he needed to be alone right now.

Most of the class peered curiously at Mina, wondering what was going on. Except for the Baku-squad. The code was clear to them. 

It was Go-time!

Shoto, on the other hand, was staring at himself in the boy's washroom mirror. Absorbing the fact that he'd just been diagnosed with CRUSH syndrome. Yeah he was gonna be extra, deal with it. 

But to get to his actual thought process, Mina's words were on a loop on his head. Minusing the annoying 'Todobroski' which if he was feeling sane would've been a cause of much indignation.

He finally had a definition for all those strange things. He could pin-point the fact that he, Shoto Todoroki, had a massive crush on Izuku Midoriya. He did know that he felt different about the walking human broccoli, but he hadn't been able to exactly tell why. Now, Mina's words gave them a meaning. 

And he was surprised he could feel them. Absolutely shook that he could feel anything. Izuku Midoriya had single-handedly managed to pierce through his stone-cold facade, making him experience both the best and the worst emotions he'd ever felt with full force. Only his mother had been able to do that before Midoriya. 

"Why isn't it normal for friends to want to kiss other friends without it having to be a CRUSH of all things ?" Shoto frustratedly asked the mirror, obviously not getting a reply.

He was bad at handling any emotion other than resentment and hate. That left him completely in the loop as to how to control this new found sentiment.

He closed his eyes, but the only thing he could see was Izuku. His soft forest green hair, his blinding smile, his viridian eyes that shone as bright as his future, his perfectly toned body, his absolutely kissable.....Okay he was whipped.

Whipped and completely fucked. 

Shoto groaned in vexation. This was NOT how he expected life to go. Why did it take special pleasure in fucking around with him ? 

He splashed some water on his face and took a deep breath. In. Out. Resolving to avoid any contact with Midoriya until he could figure out how to manage himself. Not the best choice he'd made in life, but it had to do.


Hehe, Three Chapters in two days.

I'm typing my ass off, chill Imma finish as many as I can before my inspiration runs out.

Love to my Pumpkin Squad <3,


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