Chanel #9

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A/N: What's sleep ? It's a myth. You guys should really stop thinking it's true. Anyways, this video is one of my favourites, because it perfectly fits Touya's backstory. Fuck Endeavour.

Mina arrived around the time Hitoshi was dragging Shoto out, Denki grinning away on a bench with his double thumbs-up.

"Oh my gods, Hitoshi. What the hell happened to your nose ?" She winced at his destroyed face.

"Had to break it to get the asshole to talk. Watch them, I'm gonna get first-aid." He grumbled as he disappeared.

He got back to Denki whey-ing all over the place, as Mina tried to keep him in one place, Shoto thankfully sitting motionless, still under his brain-washing.

"Let's just get it over with." He sighed, pulling Denki to his side, the latter gladly clinging onto him, giggling like a girl.

Mina nodded as she pulled out her phone, switching on her camera. "Okay, Todoroki. Do you like anyone in our class ?"

"Yes" came the monotonous reply.

"Who is it ?"

"Izuku Midoriya."

Mina's eyes went as round as saucers. It all made sense now. She cut the video, shaking him out of his daze. 

Shoto woke up from his trance, his thoughts incoherent. "Wha......Weren't we inside the haunted house ?"

"We were, but you passed out for some reason after I fell." Hitoshi replied, keeping Denki from hitting him by accident as he threw his hands up in the air.

Shoto didn't quite believe but he let it slide. Having to manage out-of-control Kaminari was punishment enough, " How's your nose ?" 

"It's fine."

"Can we go back now ? I'm tired." 

"Yeah sure."

Mina dialled Toru's phone number, "Hey Toru, You done baking cookies ?"

"Yeah. And you won't believe the frosting." Toru replied, barely able to contain her exhilaration.

"Let me guess, Green Apple ?" Mina said as a squeal was heard from the other end of the line.

"Yes! That's brilliant!" The invisible girl was hopping from one foot to the other.

"Save me the biggest cookie!" Mina grinned.

"I'll give you the whole batch! See you!" She finished, disconnecting the call before rushing into the living room to where the rest of the Baku-squad were impatiently waiting.

"Mission Candy Cane Love is a success!" She yelled as the gang cheered, even Katsuki smirking for a second.

The entire conversation between our two girls was, as you can guess, in the infamous Baku-code.

P.S: Denki was furious when he saw Hitoshi's nose.


Izuku Midoriya knew, from childhood, that he had absolutely no interest in girls. He was a boy's boy, whether that made any sense or not.

He'd received confirmation when he'd crushed on Kacchan when they were 13. That crush didn't last very long for obvious reasons. But that made it clear to Izuku that he was definitely, certainly, absolutely Gay™, Gayer than probably Nikos Argitacos.

Not many boys caught his eyes since then. Sure, UA was full of good-looking boys, but he just didn't find anything attractive in them. That is, except for one.

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