23. Volterra

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"Why bother? You'll come to me."

That's what Alec said in the last dream he appeared in. It's what he's been waiting for all along and I'm practically doing exactly what he wants me to.

If Edward and Jasper are right, Alec is in Volterra, likely expecting me to show up at his doorstep so he could sink his fangs in my skin and drink every last drop in my body.

He thinks I'm his mate, but what does that really mean?

Would he kill me? Make me turn into a vampire as well? Perhaps he'd keep me as a human pet in a dark dungeon under the city until he grows tired of me?

Either way, I am determined not to be his next meal. I already have a mate, and yes, he has paws from time to time but he's trustworthy. Embry Call is my imprint, my soulmate, not Alec Volturi.

However, I couldn't turn down this mission. Volturi mean danger to humanity, to the Cullens and the pack back home. I had to try at least, but that didn't mean I wouldn't use the very freedom this mission gave me.

The first payphone I found was immediately mine. No, I didn't know his number by heart, but I had it written on a piece of paper in the inside of my leather jacket, just below my heart. I may have walked away from Embry to keep him safe, but I needed to hear his voice. It might be my last chance.

With shaky fingers, I dial the numbers, my breath shorter with every digit, my chest tighter. It's ridiculous just how nervous I am to hear him again, even if it's only over the phone. He always has that effect on me, since the moment we met. But he also made me stronger, more determined and very capable of things I didn't know I could do.

The first ring had echoed in my mind, the sound shrill and unforgivably painful to my unsuspecting heart. The second ring had shaken me up, my resolve crumbling as the third one set in. And the fourth, and the fifth and ten more. No one picked up and then there was the familiar sound of an answering machine. It wasn't even his voice but the generated version with the overly polite lady and the annoying beep.

"Uh...I kinda hoped I'd get to hear you, but this is fine too, I guess. I, uh, know I left abruptly and you probably did as I asked and moved on but I haven't and I.. I'm rambling, sorry. I just wanted to let you know I'm alive and uh, I'm sent overseas for a different mission and I don't know if this will be a one way ticket or not. But I want you to know I'm...I'm sorry we never finished that date. I'm sorry I never got to kiss you that night or tell you just how much you mean to me. Maybe in another life? Stay safe, Em. For me."

This was hard. Much harder than I thought and I can't even imagine how hard it would have been if he actually picked up the phone. A part of me hoped he wouldn't, the same part of me that feared he had moved on and let me go as I asked. I tried to do the same for him...I supposed I'm not as strong as I like to believe. Not nearly as strong as I remember my mother being and she was killed so quickly, so effortlessly that I was made painfully aware my own demise would happen soon - once Alec and I meet.

I wanted to believe there was some good in the vampire, something alike Jasper who I genuinely liked to be around. I wanted to believe Alec would be kind and gentle and maybe even help me finish this mission, but his red eyes and hauntingly sweet voice warned me of impending danger, not love.

All I am is a pulsating blood bag. He'd never care as Embry does...did. As he did. Embry was my one in a million, I don't believe I'll be lucky enough to find someone else like him.

That's the last thought I had as my plane took off and I set myself on this dangerous path. Volterra was waiting for me and the moment I closed my eyes, I knew he would be too.

"A little birdy told me of a huntress coming my way. You wouldn't know anything about that, now would you?" I heard his voice the second my eyes closed and I found him right there, leaning up against a tree with his hands in his pockets so casually, as if he were still a man.

"Perhaps." I drawl out, crossing my arms before raising a brow at him. He seemed almost amused as the left corner of his lips curled and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. He tilts his head to the right, just enough to make himself seem more docile, more charming.

He thinks this is like every book ever written where the main character falls for the bad guy and follows him into danger despite knowing it would be the end of her. He thinks me to be so stupid to fall into his web of lies.

I'm not.

I really hope I'm not.

"Kept me waiting long enough. But alas, you came to me." Alec's smirk turned into a smile, almost genuine and if he were human, I'd say a warm smile but there was nothing warm about him.

"I'm not coming to you. I'm coming for you." I remind him and he chuckles, looking down for a moment before he sets his eyes back on mine.

Does he have to be so...cute?

He's definitely good looking, although I hate admitting that. It makes me feel guilty, but it won't sway me. I'm not interested in love. Not anymore. Not when I have seen what love is and how badly it ends.

"We'll see about that, my little huntress. But it's time for you to wake up. You're about to land."

And with a wave of his hand, I opened my eyes to reality. Heart pounding, ears ringing, I looked outside my window and found the land is near and I knew, with absolute certainty, that Alec was somewhere close, waiting for me.

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