9/22/20- sittin on the edge of the porch

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"Multisensory: the assumption that individuals learn better if they are taught using more than one sense. The senses usually employed in multisensory learning are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile – VAKT. Other senses might include smell, taste and balance."


This is a porch sittin on song.
Set the scene in this real life dream:
Multisensory sound cave- like you speak and your words have meaning...being..fullness ringing out- DO YOU SEE THEM?! Linear balance, cant you hear them singing a song of freedom- let it ring, let it ring. Shes- like 2 to 3 misses all wanting kisses and care. Like proper healthcare, wealth-care, love 'n care...but who cares right?
Just a song, sittin on the porch; sangin' the blues.

I must expound to find meaning in spirit- hold me close dont let me near it- but i long to be close to it...look up at it- aint it nice? But right now, i view the space around it- plan my escape or soothing method to craft this landscape- oh i might tip this mountain, send every ocean to your side while visually analyze every detail in the floor plane...headin to the promised land.
But why? Why spend your time wining and dining pieces that dont belong to you, cant feed you, clothe you, need you..." They cant grieve you...*dramatic pause cause she got loud for a sec ;)*

This grief I have is interesting...
It's listening to the sounds of laughter Nd love above voices of true pain. Interesting how sittin on the porch singing a song clicks me out of the laughter n love but only just enough to bring me right back in-
Velcro. It just fits right. It sit right down in my toes, keeping me lifted on points..."what a lovely girl." That's what they say, well she's only this way- cuz uh dem. It's inspiring how even in this way...the world still hates us. Black trust- and thats just the state we live in...the word next to Atlanta on the map, I mean.
But they aint worried just flaunting their song sing a long to all the ignant dongs who cant process basic human kindness...fuck love!

Lmao...okay now this coffee is betta than tea. Sendin off the edge- writting again is such a good feeling. Interesting how when im outside in the rising of the sun, basking on cool morning air for what seems like an eternity...i hear a beach in hawaii...wishing someone was here with me bt someone whod quietly appreciate it with me...just sipp the first sip with me and love quietly. (v.) I speak of the great wonderful beautiful that you see sittin on the porch song.

Ooo and this song playin Beach in Hawaii- Ziggy Marley, now heres a challenge. Fr do this for me, comment your reaction: geek 'n go back up, to line 12, read that coffee is betta than tea, play this sittin on the porch song and greet the sunrise again 30minutes later.
Hey baby...thats the next song- Stephen Marley.
Revisit when i spoke of the great wonderful beautiful and let this sittin on the porch song guide you through my puzzle pieces...a puzzle would be nice on rising this way...our brains stay sharp and we bond this way. Hehe 560 words 1 this one...sharing secrets publicly bt- *HUSH!*

*spongebob errands voice* Did ya see those rings??
Dont forget- this is a multisensory sound cave- stay alert.


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