9/19/21- Buttery, Juicy, & Sticky

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An Ode to How I Leggo my Eggo

Is you is, or is you aint...
My waffle?
Carried securely as the quaffle flying straight to the goal,
You on my plate- you are mine frozen cold.
Loved for your golden deliciousness,
10 minutes toasted...watched till youre just-
Oh, so perfectly tender,
With a crunchy crust.

Dark roasting around your pockets,
Mrs. Buttersworth drenching the sockets,
Had the first sniff, and that's a first class ticket,
To a phenomenal journey of the senses.

Is you is, or is you aint...
My waffles?- as there must surely be two,
One was never enough for me,
Never enough love in my mouth,
To chew just one of you.

For you are surely,
Orally indulgent...
There is no other way to do you,
My dear, sweet waffles.

On both sides- grab em, flip em, butter em doooowwwwnnn...
Never forgetting...to...take...my
Swirling the syrup, let it drip round your circumference,
First waffle coated, now stack the second,
Perfectly centered evidence of my love for you.

Sweet, sweet...buttery and sticky and juicy,
And the first cut....
Ooooo...makin me wanna...EAT all of you up.

...so I did.
In fact, later on, I ate 2 moe',
And this is the end of my story,
Of how I leggo my eggo.

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