CHAPTER 1- Eid party

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A/N: The image above is Marium's ootd for Eid

My dad and my elder brother zayn arrived back from the mosque after the Eid prayer.

My dad yelled "you guys aren't ready yet?''

Remember that Twitter trend 'Eid is not Eid without?'

I guess this is it, Eid is not Eid without my dad coming home after the Eid prayer and complaining why we aren't ready yet.

I wore a simple black dress with chiffon black hijab and a bit of blush, mascara and nude pink lipstick. I'm a total perfume addict and that's what I cake instead of makeup, so I put on my favourite Jimmy choo perfume and that's it I'm ready.

We arrived at the Eid party after like Forever and a day. As soon as I stepped out, Aisha came running into my arms and squeezed me with a hug ''Assalamwalikum my habibiti'' she said still hugging me.

''Walikumassalam Aisha, wallah let me go, im dead!' she giggled and finally released me from her hug.

" hey look at my lock screen!" she showed me her phone and to my surprise, it was no other than BTS boys.
We both started squealing like total idiots grinning at the screen.

She was wearing a really nice soft black modern lehenga with a silk black hijab. See that's the thing, we never tell each other what colour we're wearing but we always seem to be wearing the same colour, I guess this is what you call cousins bonding.

while we were on our way to get some dinner and that's when I bumped into a guy.

"Watch where your going, mate," I said though I knew it was all my fault, I was into Aisha's talks.

"Well...Miss president, you do acknowledge it was all your fault and you need to watch where your going mate" he said popping on E and mimicking my words.

"Yusuf, you? what are you doing here?" Yusuf is my schoolmate and wallah he is the most annoying person you will ever meet.

"Woah I didn't know Miss president puts on makeup and goes to parties," he said with a smirk.

" well... it's not a party it's more like Eid party".I replied stressing on Eid
" is Zoya here with you?".

Zoya is Yusuf's twin sister, my best friend since we were in 5th grade.

"Yep she is here and so is your boyfriend, I know you looking out for him". he said with a smirk again and I swear he smirks a lot.

"My boyfriend? Wallah just shut up Yusuf".Yusuf pokes fun at me a lot of times. I wasn't exaggerating when I said he is the most annoying person you will ever meet.

Aisha was gobsmacked" Maryium, you have a boyfriend and you never told me about it, and here I thought I am your best friend," she said putting her hand on her chest and full of drama. Smh.

"Oh my Allah! Aisha stop it you know I don't have one and Yusuf for once stop annoying me"

"Of course she has a boyfriend, im surprised she didn't tell you yet!!" Yusuf said looking at Aisha.

"Wallah Yusuf I swear im killing you if you don't stop right no__" before I could continue a guy bumped into me and I was about to fall and he held me on and I quickly stood up and saw the guy's face.


Shahid is Yusuf's best friend. We all go to the same school. Yusuf murmured to Aisha" he is the one, your best friend's soul mate". I heard that and I just rolled my eyes.

"What?" Yusuf laughed and added "you two are colour coordinating your outfits again . Now don't tell me it's just a coincidence again," he grinned.

And I noticed shahid was wearing a black tux and yes it's true that our outfits coordinate a lot of times but it's just because we both have the same sense of style.

"Yusuf, get a life man " shahid quickly let out and pulled Yusuf away.

I felt relieved. no. wait. Aisha. smh.

"Wow... you two look absolutely cute together "

"Aisha I know that you know very well nothing is going on and I'm not that type. so stop"

"Omg I can't wait for you two to get married and have babies"

"Astagfirullah stop" I yelled

"Oh look your blushing"

"Aisha, sometimes your more annoying than Yusuf"

"Thank you," she said and bowed like a princess.

"You know what im leaving and I don't know who are you, bye," I said that and walked away.

"Omg Maryium, hold on" Aisha came running behind me. Still laughing the hell out of her.

"Maryium" I heard someone call out my name. I turned around to see Zoya and I was so delighted to see her. And I was more excited about introducing Aisha and Zoya to each other.

"Shahid told me you're here," Zoya said whilst hugging me and just behind her Aisha was giving me a weird smirk and she mouthed, "shahid told her".wallah this girl. smh.

"Yeah and here meet Aisha, remember I told you about her"

"Hey Aisha, Maryium talks a lot about you, sometimes to the points that I get envious and it's so nice to finally meet you."

"Lol....she talks a lot about you too Zoya and I hear you're a bts fan as well?"

"Yep I am "

"I purple you already" and they both hugged each other.

I have a feeling that these two will get along so well and I'll be left out.
So I added"guys, im still alive"
And then they pulled me into a hug.

It was midnight already and we were still at the Eid party. If you have ever been to Desi /Arab parties you would know they last till dawn sometimes.

we three were sitting there talking about "keeping up with Kardashians" newest episode. How Kim and Kourtney got into a fight and stuff.

Just then Yusuf came behind me and shouted "Miss president" and I freaked out of my chair. NGL but that gave me mini heartache.

"What do you want now?" I squealed.

"Shahid said he wants to talk to you in person," he said with a smirk. And every time he smirks, you get to know he is telling an untruth.

"Lol I was just kidding and look at you, your blushing just at the mention of shahid"

"Just Buzz off Yusuf" I rolled my eyes and added "I am not blushing, I just put extra blush today so it appears like im blushing but im not. It's just my face, it's just my freaking face_" I cried out.

And behind me, someone whispered, "are you okay?" I turned around to see who it was.


I felt embarrassed and this time I was certainly blushing.

"Hey, I send Yusuf to tell you that, your Dad was looking out for you, I guess your family is leaving," shahid informed me and then he turned to Yusuf "but looks like Yusuf got busy with something else".

"Thank you shahid" I replied to him.

I turned around "Guess it's time for me to leave" and hugged Aisha and Zoya "Allah hafiz my habibitis".

"Allah hafiz "they both replied.
"We miss you already "Zoya added.

As I was leaving, Yusuf called out "Goodbye Miss president".

"Goodbye annoying jerk," I smirked.

Behind Yusuf, shahid waved at me with a smile.

I smiled back.

A/N Much love and God bless
Until next time:_misbhakhan_🥀

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