Colours That Shine

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With my fellow crayon mates snug beside me in our box we dreamt of what the world had in store for us. What journey would we be taken on with a human's imagination?

There he was eyeing all the crayon boxes on the shelf wondering what to choose no doubt.

He kept touching a couple of boxes and removing his hand.

"Hmm. What should I get Tim Jr?" he said.

He kept talking to him self and even us.

"Which one of you shall I get?" he asked.

Soon the store assistant came to help him.

"Hi. Need any help Sir?" Rowan as the name tag says asked.

"Ah no no. Uh. Uh actually yes. I'm trying to buy my son a box of crayons but I can't choose".

"Well you can buy 1 of these" Rowan said and took up a 36 pack box. "There are a lot of colours in this. He will have a variety to choose from".

"Oh I don't know he's just three. They won't be much of a difference to him plus most of those look the same"

"Okay then you can take the 12 pack and I recommend the jumbo size. Since he's only three, it will be better to hold and handle. Plus they won't break so easily. Toddlers tend to be rough with such things".

The moment Rowan said that my mates and I got excited and as fate would have it we were handed to the customer.

"Anything else?"

"No thanks but thank you".

We were packed into a small paper bag.

"Tim's going to love these" The guy said.

So that's the beginning of my journey.

The End.

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