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┊✧*。 ✯┊☪⋆✧*。 ┊THORNS | 𝒔𝒊𝒙-ˋˏ ༻🥀༺ ˎˊ-❝ 𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔢 ❞

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┊✧*。 ✯┊☪⋆✧*。 ┊
THORNS | 𝒔𝒊𝒙
-ˋˏ ༻🥀༺ ˎˊ-
❝ 𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔢

┊✧*。 ✯┊☪⋆✧*。 ┊THORNS | 𝒔𝒊𝒙-ˋˏ ༻🥀༺ ˎˊ-❝ 𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔢 ❞

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JENNA WASN'T ANY BETTER and Payton felt like it was her fault; perhaps she had remained too long at her house and Jenna did not like it

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JENNA WASN'T ANY BETTER and Payton felt like it was her fault; perhaps she had remained too long at her house and Jenna did not like it.

So she decided to snuck out of the house to buy her some flowers to console her and make her feel better, with some money she found in the pockets of her old clothes.

Payton really liked the woman and she wanted to get to know her better and feel that motherly affection she had always wanted; because somehow, Jenna was the only one who could give it to her.

Payton didn't like London; it was too crowded and people weren't nice.

But who was?

As she walked in the middle of the market, suddenly a giggling little boy came tumbling towards her, making her nearly fall on the floor.

She catched her balance and looked at the now blushing boy "sorry pretty lady," he picked a red flower from the pocket of his pants and held it out to her "here, I borrowed it from a flower seller. It is a hibiscus and is a symbol of beauty," Payton smiled softly at the boy, gently taking the flower and placing it over her ear.

"Thank you, i really like it." She patted his head affectionately making the boy blush even harder.

Then a woman came calling out his name. The boy looked quickly at Payton and grinned cheeckyly "Bye pretty lady!" he saluted, before sprinting towards the crowd, disappearing in it's depht, with the woman trailing carefully in her heels, trying not to slip or fall by their eight.

Payton shook her head, laughing lowly; even such a small and adorable action changed her perspective of the day.

She walked, dodging several people who did not look where they went, where the child had come from when he had told the seller of the flowers.
When she reached the flower market, she smiled sadly at the nostalgia it gave: Tewksbury.

"I'm sorry sir," she spoke politely to the man dressed as blue, who had his back turned to her, picking flowers. "May i-"


Maybe they were meant to meet again but Payton didn't care: she had found him and now, wrapped in his arms, she never felt so secure.

"How did you find me?" Tewksbury whispered, tightening his hold on the girl's waist, not wanting to let go yet.

"I don't know and i don't care," she pulled back from the embrace and held his cute face on her hands, slowly tracing her fingers throught his features "but i did."

And she felt like a princess now.

Tewksbury smiled at the girl's words. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, closing his eyes and savoring the moment.

Payton's heart was doing somersauls and just one question kept on running on her head.

What is love?

"Seems somebody already beat me with the flower,"

"Huh?" Payton's confused expression turned into a knowing one. She took the red flower from her ear and twirled it between her fingers "A boy gave it to me," Tewksbury raised an inquisitive brow and she corrected, smirking slyly "Little boy, don't worry about that."

He only scoffed in response and turned his back to her, making her even more confused.

Tewksbury turned around and approached her with a pink flowers on his hand: a rose.

"I don't like roses," she paused, then grinned looking to his surprised honey eyes "but i like you."

"That was quite a confession," her face fell and as soon as he noticed he was quick to elaborate "i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that, i-"

Payton cut him off, forcing a pained smile "No, it was my fault, sorry."

An unconfortable silence settled, with Payton shifting nervously on her feet and Tewksbury staring at the rose on his hand, seeming to think about something.

"Why don't you like roses?" he blurted out what he was thinking about.

She shrugged "They are the reflection of my useless life."

"You should learn to look at them from another perspective," he suggested.

"What are you talking about?"

"Roses have various meanings but above it all, it means love." He swiftly tucked in the rose behind her hear and sent her a smirk, seeing her now flushed face.

"And do you know what love means?" she captured his attention, her eyes twinkling full of hope staring at his soft ones.

He inhaled in a sharp breath "Maybe," he breathed out and only now did they notice that his finger was still grazing the rose above her year.

He inhaled in a sharp breath "Maybe," he breathed out and only now did they notice that his finger was still grazing the rose above her year

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