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THORNS | 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆
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❝ 𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔴𝔡𝔬𝔴𝔫 ❞

ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇʀ they got, the more the feeling of dejavu persisted. Payton didn't know if it meant a good thing or a bad thing.

"This is a terrible idea. The closer we get, the worse this idea becomes. Why are we even doing this?" Tewksbury repeated, clearly stressed and afraid.

"Unlike most well-bred ladies, i was never thaught to embroider. I never molded wax roses, hemmed handkerchiefs, or strung seashells. I was thaught to watch and listen. I was taught to fight. This is what my mother made me for. Trust me...to find the answers we need." Enola explained carefully.

Payton really believed her explanation and didn't even think twice to trust Enola and her dad's plan but the feeling only grew worse as they neared the house of Basilwether.

"And you don't know how to embroider?"

Payton nudged him warningly "That's a stupid question." Then she started "I-i know i'm not the best person to take with you to a dangerous mission and i know i don't have any special skills like you have..." she gazed pointedly at Enola before resuming "but i promise i will try to do anything to keep us safe."

"That's my role, actually. I promised your father after all." Tewksbury smiled at the girl and raised her hand to press a quick kiss to it.

Payton smiled brightly at the gesture and tightened her hold on his hand even more, wanting to never let go.

"We need to do this, and we are going to." Enola stated and they finally stepped foot on the majestic palace.

When the door closed behind them an intense darkness occupied the room, without even a source of light.

"Where are all the servants?" Tewkabury whispered, alarmed at the deafening silence that reigned in the house.

"Welcome to the future." Enola sighed equally worried.

"Mother?" The young boy called out but only their rapid breaths were heard. "What's happening?"

"They know we are here," Enola stated. Suddendly a rifle kocked "Down!" Enola was quick to order, as the trigger hit an expensive vase.

"Run!" She screamed again and the trio soon took off running.

And they did not seperate, because after all it was fate that had brought them together and that's what will keep them together, till death do them parth.

The detective, the flower boy and the sunshine.

But the battle had just begun; a man with a bowler hat stepped from the shadows, shooting shots with intent to catch at least one of the targets; but in vain.

They were united and what bound them was the freedom to do what they wanted without any hindrance, no thorn.

Enola wanted to pursue her dreams, investigate, find clues, wonder why this happens and why that happens, because after all Payton's father was not wrong when he appraised her infallible insight.

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