Kim Seokjin: Synesthesia

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"Hello, is this the Art Appreciation class?" 

You were startled at the voice suddenly filling the silence as you were engrossed in sketching your painting and wasn't paying much attention to your environment. When you turned your head, you froze at the sight on the man who was at the door peaking his head in. 

He was breathtaking. Turtle neck sweater was peaking through the door accentuating his broad shoulders. Big round rimmed glasses donned in his face as you stared at him. 

It took you a few seconds to be able to answer him. 

"I'm sorry I was distracted. Yes. It starts in 15."

"Thank you." 

You smiled at him and you went back to sketching. You were about to resume what you're doing when you heard his voice again. 

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but may I sit beside you?" he inquired. 

You looked up again, stunned by how much more gorgeous he was up close. Digesting his question, you looked around at all the available seats around you. You were the only people there and all seats were available. 

"Ah please don't misunderstand." He smiled at your reaction. "I'm newly transferred so I don't know anyone here and I'm not very comfortable in random people sitting beside me."

"But I don't know you..." you trailed.

He laughed quietly. "That's true. My name is Jin. Kim Seokjin." he said, as he extended his hand. 

You're still stunned by his immaculate looks and proportioned face, you suddenly wanted to stop your current WIP and draw this man's face.

"Y/N." you responded, extending your hand to his as he took it. 

"So may I?"

You blinked and said "Yeah, okay." withdrawing your hand.

When you went back to what you were doing, you saw that your hand was filled with lead. Your eyes widened and looked to his direction, eyes fixing on his right hand which was now grey since your smart ass smothered his hand with lead.

"Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry!" you panicked and went through your bag to find your wet tissues. "Here, let me wipe that off." 

He laughed a low laugh at your panic stricken face as his clean hand took the wet tissue you were holding and wiped his hand himself saying, "It's okay."

You were staring at his large hands as he wiped off all the lead you transferred to him, nervous that this is your first encounter and you've already embarrassed yourself.

Students slowly piled in the room with collective shocks written on their faces whenever they see the new addition to our class. You don't blame them since you were the same when he first came in. 

The professor arrived 5 minutes later than the usual time, putting down a statue in the middle of the room. 

"Okay everyone, good morning. For today, it's paint whatever part of this item with your own style in any medium as long as you use the provided canvasses." the professor announced. "The catch is you only have two hours. Then we're present these before we close class."

Everyone scrambled in getting their materials in prep of the assignment. You pulled out your charcoals to start when the professor spoke again.

"Ah yes I'm sorry. If you have noticed, we rather have a new face here. Mr. Kim, please stand up so we can have a better look. Ah yes thank you. This is Kim Seokjin, he's a transfer student from our main campus so please welcome him warmly." he said. "Okay you may begin."

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