Jeon Jungkook: Golden

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"How's the response of the control group to the injections?"

"Jungkook-ssi, still no response."

Jungkook clicked his tongue in annoyance as he tapped his pen on the table. Uncrossing his legs and standing up from the table, he ran his hands through his hair and he tied it up in a ponytail.

"This is the 38th time. What are we doing wrong here." He said in frustration, crossing his arms while looking at the white board with a plethora of formulas sprawled across on trying to figure out that was it.

What is it that's affecting the human's eyesight and stopping them from seeing color when they're not "inlove" with someone.

His eyes roll yet again at the idea.

Jungkook spent his early university life chasing after this Kang Miran, when he first experienced seeing color. He was your typical school nerd who has these big chunky glasses and Miran was the stereotypical gorgeous popular girl.

Of course she didn't take a second look at him at the time.

Until that random day she talked to him in the hallway asking for his name.

To cut the trash worthy back story short, Miran knew that Jungkook was head over heels for her so she befriended Jungkook. Made him think she liked him back and used him to pass their senior year classes together.


To think that Jungkook has such High IQ and he fall for that was a question he's been trying to answer all these years.

But it broke him. It drove him crazy how the love of his life at the time would ever do that to him with all that effort he put into her. All that sincerity just to be used.

What a bitch.

So, Jungkook finally decided the moment he graduated that he will never let himself be used all over again.

And that love is just an illusion. Just a chemical in the body because your brain registers them as something attractive to you.

It's not magical like they're saying.

"He's talking to himself again." He heard his intern whisper to his other intern.

"He's freakin' hot but he's a total weirdo. Guess it's really true that ridiculously smart people have some loose ends"

He rolls his eyes again as he clicked his pen repeatedly, probably the hundredth time that morning. He sipped through his teeth and turned around, ignoring his interns panicked faces when he suddenly turned around and they were leaning each other as they gossiped.

"Get me another set of brain scans of couples. Our existing data is still not showing any hints on where this is from."

The Head of the Psychologist department from the hospital where Jungkook is working who's sitting as a consultant for his team spoke up. "Jungkook-ssi. We're already had almost nine thousand brain scans in our directory and we've had hundreds of written papers as reference for this specific topic isn't it time to drop this? You've been at this for Six years. Can't you just do a different Doctorate thesis?"

Jungkook's eye narrowed at that. "Some researcher you are, Kim-seongsangnim. How would I just give this up?"

Chuckling at the collective groans the younger interns at Jungkook's stubborness, said doctor stood up and patted Jungkook's shoulder. "There are some laws of Mother Nature that She blatantly refuses us to discover. Love is one of them."

That earned him a sarcastic laugh from Jungkook. "It's just a chemical."

The doctor chuckled. "It's just because you haven't met her yet, dear boy."

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