Park Jimin: Heavensent

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The first few parts may seem a little weird...hope it won't get too cringey.

I already had this pre written so I finished this in a day. I hope it wasn't too rushed. 


"Jimin-ah, is your guardian child's life almost up?"

Jimin was looking at his Cloud, watching as how his child is living the last moments of his life while he was watching his grandchildren play in the beach. He was munching on a candy cane, with his lips pursing as he nodded on his Hyung. 

"Seokjin-hyung, does it ever go away?"

"What does?"

"The sadness when your godchild's time is almost up." 

Seokjin put his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "I've already had 44 lifetimes of Godchildren, it never does. You just get used to the fact that that's the sad part of being a mortal. They'll never know how much time they have."

"And we do." Jimin exhaled.

"Look, I've been supervising and has been reinvented by God a few times He says. I don't remember what my past lives were before He decided to turn my soul into an angel. But since you're pretty young...How many lifetimes have you supervised?"

"This is my 7th."

"And I see that your godchildren had very gentle lives so far?"

"More so? They had fairly normal lives. Yoongi-hyung has had it harsh from his last two lifetimes."

Seokjin laughed. "Oh yeah. I can feel his frustrations from the other building. His Godchild does not understand his signs AT ALL. Always going for the worse decisions."

Jimin just stared at his cloud.

"Look, Jimin-ah. This is the reason God assigned us our Godchildren to watch over." Seokjin said as he patted his wings. "It's not to tell them how to live their lives because that's entirely up to them. It's just to give them a gentle push to do what's best for their own lives and not for other's. Ultimately, they'd still make the decisions themselves."

Jimin sat motionless, as his godchild took his last few breathes before passing away.

"It can be frustrating sometimes to know until when is the time limit of our children's lifetimes are. That's our purpose. To guide them into living those few years God gave them well."

A tear fell on Jimin's eyes as he watched the children of his godchild cry over their father's passing. "You did so well, Do San-ssi."

He stood up and patted Seokjin's back. "I'm off to take my Child's soul to Heaven, Hyung."

"Yeah, I'll see you next week on the Godchild assignment meeting."

Jimin spread his white wings and flew down to go get his child's soul.


Jimin went to the Godchild assignment meeting that following week. He spent his week off staying in his place just playing games and eating whatever he wanted with Taehyung and Jungkook.

Angels you see were made, not born. It was God who endows them their power once he sees that they have done so much good in their life that they are qualified to guide other people in their own lives. So in exchange of angelhood, their souls we to remain in the purgatory, in between heaven and hell to watch over the humans live their lives.

That also means no reincarnation for them.

Jimin learned from God that him and Taehyung died in their last life together. He never told us details about our past lives when he interviewed us personally before we agreed to be part of his Army of Guardian Angels.

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