Kim Namjoon: Serendipity

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We have now landed on Seoul Incheon International Airport. The weather is a warm 19 degrees Celsius and local time is 11:15am. Thank you for choosing Korean Airlines.

You opened your eyes when you heard the announcement through your earphones. Sighing, you straightened your seat and started to fix your stuff in preparation to disembark the plane you were riding.

As the plane halted and seatbelt lights went off, passengers have stood up and collected their things. One by one, each passenger has left the plane and there you were, standing in the middle of the airport trying to process that Korea is now your home.

You were born in Korea. However when you turned two, your parents divorced thus you and him went back to his hometown in the US. Growing up, your parents made it clear to you of their situation and you're in constant communication with your mother. Since they we able to at least remain civil, it wasn't very awkward for you going back and forth Korea to sometime spend the summer there. Even until your mother remarried, you still spent time on the country in between school years. Your mother even flies in sometimes to attend important event such as graduations and your birthday.

Your father passed away a few months ago due to Cancer and he was all the family you had in the US. Initially, you were intending to stay in the country because you were still taking your college degree but your mother convinced you to move to Korea and continue studying your final semester there so that she can spend more time with you. It's been three years since you last saw her because college and part time jobs took most of your time and you eventually agreed to her request of staying with her.

Looking around the airport, you were lucky that everything is translated.

"I can't understand anyone." you whined.

Living the majority of your life in the US, you weren't able to learn Korean. Your mother tried teaching you over your short vacations in Korea but all you were able to retain was the basics.

"Some Korean I am." you said as you texted your mother that you've landed. She replied that she's in the Arrival lounge waiting for you to take you to your apartment.

"Y/N!!" You heard a familiar voice shout your name.

"Mom!" You smiled, waving at her. "How are you?"

She approached and gave you a hug. "Oh look at you how you've matured over the last time I saw you!"

After the chit chats and quick updates, your car arrived and the driver loaded your suitcases for you. In the car, you continued your exchanges with your mother.

"Why would you want to live in another apartment, Y/N? I told you to stay with us."

"I'm fine alone Mom... Besides, I don't want to make it awkward with your family."

"Bong Joon-ssi was kind enough to help me get an apartment for you. I'm just a five minute car ride from you. Here's the keys to your car and house. Don't hesitate to call me okay? I'll regularly visit you."

You sighed and nodded. Your mother married a pretty rich guy who owns this restaurant chain popular in Seoul. With this, you've always received extravagant gifts from your mother. Even your car in the US that you sold before moving here, was bought by her. She initially insisted to pay for your college tuition so you won't have to was collectively refused by you and your father back when he was still alive. Refusing the offer of the apartment and the car initially, your mother kept on pestering you that she'll get you a car and a house. She was originally planning to get you one on the high valued apartments and get you an expensive car but you compromised on getting a middle class SUV since you think a Benz was a little too much. However she insisted to buy an apartment near her place so you gave in and accepted the apartment in one of the most luxurious apartment buildings in the area.

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