Jung Hoseok: Encounters

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I'm trying out a First POV style. Hope it's okay.

This is going to be a short one compare to the first few ones published. The flow felt right to me so I didn't want to lengthen it too much. 

I love Hobi's smile, it makes me softer than a marshmallow. 


Encounter One:

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I froze at the voice of a boy behind me as I tried to reach for my notebook that fell at the edge of the balcony. I was trying to reach this with my arm with a 4 story height fall if I just did one wrong move. Looking up at where the voice was coming from, you see your classmate, Jung Hoseok standing there with his hands in his pockets. 

I pressed my lips in a thin line, while trying to think of what to do to get it back. 

"Do you really need it back?"

I nodded. 

He sighed and left leaving me confused. After a minute he came back with a mop. 

"Go down the first floor and catch it."

I nodded and ran down the stairs. I saw Hoseok poking his head checking if I was already at the ground floor. 

"Catch it okay!!" he shouted. 

I did the okay sign and he used the mop's handle to push my notebook to the edge for it to fall for me to pick up. Dusting the dirt off, I exhaled in relief as I flipped through the notebook checking the specific page that made this notebook important to me.

Seeing it without any dirt nor damage, I looked up at the balcony and saw Hoseok looking at me. 

"Thank you so much!" I shouted. 

He nodded and then disappeared. 


Encounter Two.

"Y/N, give us your lunch money. You don't need it, you already have all those fat stores to last through winter." 

"Please leave me alone."

"Awhh, are you gonna cry now? Ye Bin-ah, take her wallet."

I panicked when they started to gang up on me, surrounding my table. 


All the girls turned to the direction of the voice. It was Hoseok.

"Hobi-oppa, hi~" One of them said as she tucked her hair in her ear.

I was about to barf.

"Find someone else to bully, Yeon Ha." Hoseok said, his expression grim. "Or do I have to use force?"

I felt the atmosphere grow cold and the girls suddenly backed out of the table. 

"Bu-But Hobi." 


He started counting.


The girls scurried already going back to their respective seats. Hoseok looked at my shaken form. 

"You okay?"

I nodded. 

He smiled and nodded, his dimples showing. I found it cute.

I mouthed, "Thank you." to him before he turn back on his camera . 


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