Kim Taehyung: Parallel

901 43 19

This was the worst day of your life. 

It was a week before your wedding. 

You were in your Bridal shower with your closest friends and your sister, celebrating your upcoming wedding. You all decided to fly to Korea to celebrate it as you've always wanted to come back home since moving to Australia. Your sister arranged this as a surprise for you since she knew how much you loved going back home. It was filled with champagne and all the food you'd want. Enjoying each other's company while you were talking about your younger years.

"I can't believe Y/N's the first one to get married than you, Unnie!"

"So what? I'm just happy that my best friend is going to get married. So what if she's married before I am?!"

You smiled at your sister. Growing up, she has been your rock and your confidante. You did everything together and you've always ran to her whenever something happens, good or bad. She was even the one who set you up with JaeHyun. 

"I'm sure my sister will find the one for her in the long run. Are you sure you're okay though? You're not touching your champagne."

"I'm feeling a little queasy, sis. I just didn't want to be sick on your wedding so I'm trying to control myself. I'm the Maid of Honor after all."

The night went on happily. When you all got tired and drunk on the alcohol you consumed, everyone retreated to their own bedrooms to sleep. 

You and your sister shared a room. 

"Unnie, I can't believe I'm getting married."

"Me too. I'm going to miss seeing you at home. Make sure to visit us a lot?"

"Hey, I'll just be one city over. We can see each other a lot you know."

"Yeah but seeing you in the morning is different."

You turned to hug your sister and snuggle yourself on her chest. She chuckled and hugged you back.



"Thank you for everything."

"Mmmhmm." She said as she stroked your hair until you fell asleep.


You sleepily opened your eyes. Feeling parched, you stood up to go to the kitchen to go get some water. Noticing that your sister was not on the bed beside you, you looked for her and you saw the door was open. 

You walked to the door. You were about to open the door when you froze at who your sister was talking to. 

"Jae Hyun, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this situation right now. This is so fucked up."

She was talking to Jae Hyun? At this time of the night? Why?

"That was a fucking accident. We were both drunk then!"


"I don't know how I'll hide this baby from our parents too, Jae Hyun. I'm going to get an abortion and my decision is final."

Abortion? Why would she talk to your fiancee about her abortion? She's pregnant? Is that why she was sick these past few days? Why didn't she tell you that?

"I don't care if this is your child too. I'm not breaking my sister's heart over a stupid mistake we did when we were drunk."

Hearing that, something inside you snapped. You backed away from the door with your hand on you mouth, stopping yourself from making a sound you've never made before. 

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