Min Yoongi: Evanescent

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This will end up as a long ass one because the plot kinda.....just wrote itself honestly. I didn't like that some members have multiple chapters and the some only one so this'll be pretty long.

Trigger warning: This fic mentions mental illness and death. Please stop at any point if you think this topic is something that you are actively struggling with.

Disclaimer: I am in no way a Medical Doctor or someone licensed to care for mental issues. All information in this fic are purely thru self-research and are not in any way a correct nor valid basis for medical care. Please avoid self diagnosing.

To my fellow friends who are in the same bubble as I am, as the people who are in this fic,  you are not alone. I know it is difficult to ask for help and to talk about this but if you're ready, then please go ask. There is hope.

Life goes on. Let's live on.

On to the story!


It was a cold December evening and you were driving through downtown on the way home after a day of work in the hospital. Your arms sore from stopping a patient throwing a tantrum at the ward saying that he can see color again.

"Doctor, you don't understand. I can see color again! Please. Please let me out. I need to go to my family. I told you all, they're alive. My eyes just malfunctioned for while!"

"Jae In-ssi, please put the fork down. Okay, okay I'll listen okay? Just please put it down.", you said as you slowly inched towards him.

"Don't come near me, Doctor. I know what you're trying to do."

Other patients staying the same ward are looking at the event happening. This was a normal thing in the psychiatric ward that one or more patients are doing a break down. This patient, Mr Jung Jae-In came in with schizophrenia. His wife and son passed away last year due to a house fire that started because him and his wife was fighting over his cigarettes. Or at least that was the prognosis that his attending told you.

You did a hand sign behind your back to your nurse. "Get the Lorazepam ready."

Yeon Joo nodded and went outside.

"Where is she going Doctor. Is she getting that medicine again that makes me sleep? No. NO. I said back off!!" Jae In panicked.

You softened your stance a bit, readying yourself for the first chance you can get to grab him without injuring anyone with a fork. "Jae In-ssi, if you're like that, then how will you get better? Do you want to meet your family with a fork in your hand and threatening every single one of us?"

He froze at that question a little but still alert on the next possible movement around him.

"So please put the fork down." you stared. The single moment that he hesitated, you tackled him, reaching for his hand with the fork first and sitting on top of him with your knee on his hands and all your weight on his legs.

"Yeon Joo!" you called out.

Yeon Joo was already beside you administering the liquid into Jae In's body as he squirmed and cried before finally calming down after a few seconds.

You waited for any sort of resistance on his muscles relaxed until you got off of him. "Good job everyone. Can someone bring him to his bed and observe him once in a while." you said as you were fixing your ponytail while you stood up.

While walking out of the ward, you massaged your hands due to fatigue

This job has opened your eyes to people's different struggles in life. It scared you what deep regrets can do to a person's mind and what it can destroy when not controlled.

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