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Seokjin walked around with the night shift nurse, as he received status updates on all the patients he would be taking care of during his shift. They visited each patient's room, and Seokjin introduced himself.

He remembered a few from his shift earlier in the week as they were not discharged, and some were new to him as they got admitted while he was off.

After doing his rounds with the nurse who was leaving, he notified the patients he would be back to check in on them, take their vitals, and give them their medicine.

"Room 613 is empty, right?" he inquired to the overnight nurse regarding the VIP room as they left the last patient's room.

"Yes, for now, we have an incoming patient who had a prostatectomy done this morning. Right now, he is in recovery; they should be bringing him here around noon."

Seokjin took notes in his notebook and gave the nurse an appreciative smile, "thank you."

The two bid each other goodbye, and Seokjin headed over to the nurse's station and took a seat at one of the computers, so he could review each of the patient's files, along with their medication history and doctor's notes on when he would need to give them their medicine.

Being a nurse was something he was very passionate about; he wanted to be a doctor when he was a lot younger, but life had different plans for him, and he was not as aggressive with following through with his dreams as he should have back then.

He does not dwell on it, though; he enjoyed his job and was very grateful he was doing something he loved. Not many people had that luxury; therefore, he was still thankful. The only part of the job he didn't always like was the crazy twelve-hour shifts, but at the same time, he didn't exactly hate it because of it; he only worked three days per week, sometimes five if things at the hospital were crazy. Although now, he tries to limit working more than four days ever since his separation from his ex-husband.

Technically, he was still married as their divorce was not finalized, but they were already divorced in Seokjin's mind. He wasn't asking for much in their divorce; upon realizing that he would go through with getting a divorce, he walked away from their home, all shared assets, the only thing he wanted was shared custody, nothing more.

Walking away from everything he and Hoseok had worked together to build was a tough decision for him. They had been together since high school and have been married for over ten years, but he had come to the point in his life where his happiness and well-being started mattering a lot more to him. As a parent, he also struggled with the decision, but upon realizing his baby girl, wasn't a baby anymore and could understand that her parents were better apart than together. He followed through with what he knew was best for their future.


"Sir, we will be moving your father to the sixth floor, room 613; if you take the elevator to your left, you can go there and wait." The nurse who was taking care of Taehyung's father in the recovery room announced to him.

Taehyung, glaring at the nurse, spoke up loudly, making everyone look his way, "Finally! And I hope it won't take another seven hours before he makes it to the room because this is ridiculous! I have never seen a hospital that operates so slow."

Jimin, who was with him, pats his shoulder, "Sir, you are causing a scene; let us go to room 613. I am sure they will bring your father there once he is in a stable condition to be moved. They want to ensure he is doing okay."

Taehyung looked at Jimin and then back at the nurse, "fine. Let's go."

As the two head up the elevator, Jimin tried making small conversation with his boss, "so, Seoul is nice, the food is amazing, and your parents are nice too. It's only been a week, but I could see myself living here."

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