Chapter 8; The Confession

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"Taeyong hyung, have you heard anything from Lia, Yuta hyung, Jungwoo, and Mark?" I asked being concerned because it's been almost 2 hours now. They haven't texted us since, and I'm beginning to get worried.

"No, but Yuta did say that he was going to stall and make Jungwoo and mark wait in a parking lot acting as if they were searching for our clothes."
Taeyong replied, I looked at him with a confused look. Why would Yuta want to stall from getting our clothes?

"Fuck- I wasn't supposed to say anything.." Taeyong quickly said as he widened his eyes in shock when he realized what just came out from his mouth.

"What's going on?"
I questioned him, he was quiet for a few moments before he finally spoke up.

"I don't have a choice to either way so, here goes nothing."
He said

"Yuta wants to stall because he planning on telling Lia something that will catch her off guard."
Taeyong continued.

"What was he going to tell her?"
I asked

"That he has always had a crush on her ever since high school. Even though they didn't talk, they always had PE (physical education) together. And that's how he knew her."
Said Taeyong, I was speechless because I had no idea and I don't believe the rest of us knew about this. But at the same time, things were beginning to add up, from him not acting himself, to wanting to go talk to her whenever she would leave a room furious, to hurting Jungkook because of something he might've done her, and now all of a sudden being clingy towards her.

What are you doing Nakamoto? Do you really want to ruin the wedding, and even quite possibly your friendship with Lia...


"Mkay... Jungwoo said this was the only one they didn't check yet. Let's hope that they're here..."
I said being exhausted from today already.

"Want me to go check or you?"
Yuta asked me.

"Can you please? Im tired already.."
I said, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Yuta said yes and he left, leaving me in the car alone just waiting and talking to myself..

"Mom is getting married..."
I said with a smile on my face.

"I hope this goes well, cause if it doesn't. She's going to be sad once again... then her and I are going to go back to a dark place.."
I continued as one year fell from my cheek as I kept a smile. I wiped away the tear trail that was left, and I decided to take out my phone to see what I could do as I waited. I saw that I had a message from Jungkook, which put a smile on my face.

Text Messages:

Jungkook: Hey Lia, how is this outfit for tomorrow?

Jungkook: Hey Lia, how is this outfit for tomorrow?

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