Boromir request 1

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This is for MayonnaisePlayer :) P.S- Sorry for the wait!

You and Tinu galloped away, as far away as you could from Mimas Tirith. You hated to admit it, but you where frightened. You never wanted to go back there. You rode for days on end, and you knew where you were going. You were going to find your Elf friends in Mirkwood, and your good friend Legolas. He would know how to help, hopefully.

After days of riding, only stopping once to rest and eat, you approached a big gate. There, you hopped off of Tinu and you said a password in Elvish which you had been taught and the gates opened for you. You picked up your bags off of Tinu and let her wonder around, since you know it was safe to.

After you parted with Tinu, you walked through Mirkwood, and many Elves waved at you and you saw that a few Elf ladies took the job of washing and looking after Tinu. She seemed quite happy with all the pamper she was getting.

You soon approached a tall, spiralled staircase. You walked up, and every step you took your stomach felt more sick with nerve. Then you thought about what had happened. Where you ever going to see Boromir again? Technically, you were still engaged. Engaged to a man who you ran away from, who you probably wouldn't see again. That's what you thought.

"Y/N!" Legolas saw you as you walked down a corridor.

"Legolas!" You ran up to him and he gave you a tight hug.

"Oh, what brings you here? I haven't been told that you-"

"It's a long story. And I need your help." You said.

Legolas showed you to a room you could stay in and he sat down with you.

"So, I was at Mimas Tirith, seeing my friend Faramir, and you see, I stayed there for a while, and then I met his older brother, Boromir. And, we'll, we kind of fell in love. After months of courting each other, he asked me to marry him. I said yes, but his father didn't approve. He shouted so loud and he sent me away. I didn't know what else to do and I was frightened so I-" You started to choke up."I-I ran away with my horse in the night and c-came here..." You said, holding back tears.

"Oh, so that's your horse that's getting all the pamper down there?"

"Y-yeah." You chuckled.

"I'm so sorry, just know that I'm always here for you, and I'm sure Boromir still loves you, you still love him right?"

"Y-yes I guess I do..."

Legolas gave you a hug. You cried into his shoulder. After that, you cleaned yourself up and got changed and Legolas went to let his father know about your arrival.

You laid your daggers out on a table in front of you. Then, your sword. Then you thought.

"I've always wanted to learn archery..."

So later that day you found Legolas.

"Hey Legolas, I er... can I ask you a favour?"

"Sure thing!"

"I er- I want to learn archery. Can you teach me?"


"Y-yeah, if you don't want to that's okay..."

"No no no I would love to!" He exclaimed. "I just, haven't done archery in a while myself..."

Legolas had a bow made specially for you, and your own special arrows. You went to the forest with him and there you both practices shooting trees and aiming. You got the hang of it quite quickly.

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