01: Nothing out of the Ordinary

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Gemma POV:

The weekend passed by quickly and we were at Monday before I knew it. Today is the first day of the duet dance class Brielle convinced me too sign up for. I'm super excited, I haven't danced in a really long time by myself, none the less with Bri so you could say I'm more excited than average.

I was up early, as sleeping was hard for me last night. I got changed into some clothes suitable for dance quickly and went downstairs. The type of dance class it was wasn't specified so I'm assuming it will be a little bit of everything. I decided to wear my running shoes with some black biker shorts and a white crop.

As I was walking downstairs, I threw my blonde hair into a ponytail as I walked into the kitchen. Liliana and Brielle were already there; they started whispering as soon as I walked in. I went to make my food and I heard them giggle. They have been acting really weird since Saturday, and I have no clue why.


Our morning at the house went by quickly, we had a light breakfast before we practically sprinted out the door. The drive with Brielle was quiet as she played a little bit of BTS music on the way there, I couldn't even be upset about it because I was just so excited. I was yearning for the dance floor, I didn't realize how much I had missed it.

We pulled into the parking lot of the studio about ten minutes before the class was meant to start meaning we had plenty of time.

I grabbed my bag as I got out of the car, Brielle following my lead. The parking lot was about averagely fulled up; like any other day.

"I'm surprised that there aren't more cars." Brielle mumbled to me as we walked towards the building. I looked at her confused. What she just said makes no sense. Her eyes widened when she saw my expression, almost as if she hadn't meant to say that out loud. "I-I just mean because it's the first day; I would've expected more." She stuttered. I rolled my eyes, clearly not having it.

As we got inside, the studio was full of life. There were so many people swarming around getting ready for the countless amounts off different dance classes this studio offers. The variety of age was still here, just as it had always been. As we signed in at the desk we passed a class of toddler ballerinas; who were laughing and giggling with each other. It made my heart warm; I really had missed this place. I smiled remembering my times here as a child. From meeting Bri, to learning pointe, to being given the middle spot in a pyramid formation for the first time, it made me feel happier. It also was quite a good distraction for me, although I would never admit that too Bri.

We got the information from the lady at the desk regarding what lockers we could use, and what studios the class had access to, and which studio we would always meet in. I assume that because it is a pretty advanced class, as well as it being duets only throughout the course timeline; that we had access to multiple studios so that we could split off into different rooms, so that we could have enough space to practice without banging into another duet pair.

We thanked the women and made our way to the studio number she told us about. We passed by many on the way there; some were still completely empty while others were filled with young dancers warming up. We got to the studio and quickly put our bags in a couple of the lockers located right outside of the door.

"Are you ready?" Brielle asked me as we closed pur lockers. As I looked at her I couldn't read her expression, other than the fact that it was full of anticipation.

"Of course," I laughed lightly as we walked through the door, and scanned the room. It was large; probably the biggest studio in the entire building, I'd only ever been in here a few times before. All four walls were full of mirrors that reached a little bit higher than what the height of an average person is. Beyond that there was extremely high ceilings complete with multiple skylights. The floors were made of a completely black non stick material.

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