04: Dancing Alone is not an Option

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Gemma POV:

"Alright, any more questions?"

I am currently sat on the floor in front of our dance teacher. I feel very uneasy because of the whole entire situation that just went down. The term uncomfortable doesn't even begin to describe the way I am feeling right now. I've been debating dropping the class since questions had started being asked. I have extreme social anxiety and have just come out of a really toxic relationship with a boy. A boy who took advantage of me, when he shouldn't have. I can barely be around boys alone, much less a Famous Idol, I would just freeze up. Those are my reasons to leave.

But the thing is, the audition day reminded me how much I love dancing. It helps me forget all of those negative things I just talked about, it helped me to feel happier. If I were to stop now, I would lose that outlet that I have here and I don't want that.

I'm just not sure I would be able to focus with a boy, especially not J-hope. Especially when I can't seem to keep my eyes off him. He's not even that cute. Maybe I can ask to just dance alone. I would still get all of the positive things out of the class while avoiding the negatives.

I'll just have to ask Mejiwoo about it after.

"Alright then; I have a list here with the assigned studio's for each pair. I will tape it to the back of the this studio door so that you can always look if you forget. Not all the studios are as big as this one so just keep that in mind. Studios will rotate monthly so the smaller ones will be split among you. This month you guys will be making a duet to whatever style of dance you want; the purpose of this duet is to be as in sync as possible. On an emotional level, I would like friendship to be expressed. Your emotions should be a mixture of happy, excited, this like that. Understand?"

I nodded along with a few other people, the people who didn't nod agreed verbally saying yes or yeah. You could tell the group just wanted to split up and work on their duets, which makes sense. It is a duet dance class for a reason.

"Alright you may come look at the studio list and you may go and get started." She stood up as she finished and walked over to the door to post the list, for everyone to look at. As soon as everyone stood I ran to Brielle and she took me in her arms willingly. I put my head in her neck and held her close, easing my nerves instantly.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know," she whispered in my ear as she hugged me back. I sighed as I pulled away from her,

"I know you didn't." I said as I pulled my hands back to my sides. I didn't realize how much I was shaking until I pulled away from her.

"Your not going to drop the class are you?" She asked, her voice soft. It's like she was trying to not make me anymore uncomfortable than I already was. I slowly shook my head no and gave her a small smile, and she gave me a big smile in return. I noticed pairs were slowly leaving the room, Charlie was waiting for Bri a few feet away from us.

"The audition day made me realize how much I need this, all school credits aside." I gave her a small laugh as I held her hands, and she smiled at me.

"We should probably get going, but you are welcome to come and talk to me anytime if you need it, okay?" Brielle let go of my hands and stepped towards Charlie, causing my nerves to spike as I noticed they were the only other pair left in here.

"Okay" I spoke quietly as she started walking away with him. I kept my eyes on them until I couldn't anymore, I didn't want her to leave. My anxiety spiked through the roof as soon as the door closed behind them, the realization that I was now alone with him quickly sinking into my head.

I took a deep breath as I turned to look at him and to my surprise he wasn't looking back at me, he was....dancing.

There was a song playing through the speakers, it had no lyrics at all just a good beat, and he was just dancing. Freestyle just off the top of his head, something I am terrible at.

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