Villain attack

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Both me and katsuki looked at eachother and ran straight towards him ready to attack but he just stood there calm. He had a plan. I knew he did. He was banking on this. Though did he know there would be two of us...?
"Wait katsuki. Don't attack."
"KATSUKI. he has a damn plan. If we attack we will fall into it. If we don't then we wreck the plan they had."
"Now who's a clever little girl"
The man walked up to me and ruffled my hair and looked down at me as if i was a child, which really pissed me off, then he pulled me into him.
*whispering* "join us. Your power won't go unnoticed in the league. I know you're the one who put out my flames which must mean you're a powerful person. So join us"
"I'll join you the day shigiraki gives up with the hand fetish"
*chuckling* " ok that was a good one. I've never heard someone call it a hand fetish before"
"Well now you have. Can you let me go before i burn you into dust and ashes."
"Alright alright. But it would be more convincing if you weren't blushing"
*in your head* damn cocky bastard. I'm not blushing. I'm just embarrassed.
"By the way...the names dabi"
"Huh. Suits your quirk."
"Kinda the point"
*in your head* Dabi finally let me go. Thank god. Though he wasn't wrong. I was blushing. BUT I WAS EMBARRASSED THATS IT I PROMISE!!! I mean i can't catch feelings for a villain or someone i just met. AND HE IS 22 im still a minor anyway.
"You were spacing off"
"No i was just thinking."
"O-oh yeah right."
I just look at dabi. His beautiful blue eyes. His jet black hair. His scars... He is the most powerful villain in the league. He is the second most powerful 'fire bender'. Second to me but i can't beat pink flames no matter what. But...i can't kill him. Or maybe its just that...i don't want to. I don't know. I know i have to but i can't. Nor do i want to. It hurts me thinking about him dead or hurt.

I just stand there paralyzed. Then out of no where i fall to the floor while tears slowly make their way to my eyes.
"I-. I can't"
"Because. I just can't"
"Bakugou. I hate to say this but-"
"Yes Bakugou. Explosion time *sigh*"
I stand there with my body guarding dabi. I didn't why. I was so confused as to why i was protecting him. I mean he is a villain. I'm supposed to rid of him.

Dabi's pov
She stood there... Blocking me with her body. Protecting me. I wanted to push her out of the way but when i tried to she didn't move. She was like a wall. She just wouldn't move no matter what i did. Why was she protecting me. I was a villain. She was a hero..well a hero in training. She's stronger than me, she could easily cremate me in a heartbeat. But yet she chooses to protect me. Why? I just don't understand.

Bakugou's pov
What the heck is she doing.
"For gods sake just move. Please. I don't wanna hurt you. You're my mate. So dammit move"
"No. I won't move."
"I- I don't know. My body just won't move. It was like an instinct."
"Damn it hot head"
Why won't she just move... For fuck sake. I can't hurt her. She's my friend. But yet she's betraying me. Well the whole of U.A really but mostly me and deku. Do we mean nothing? Is that villain the she just met more important??

Ash's/Your POV
I feel a connection with this villain. I don't know why but i do. Its nothing I've ever felt before. Its almost understanding? But yet we just met. Though i feel like I've known him for years. His voice... His eyes...the way they pierced through my soul... It seems so familiar. There's a certain aura about him. A certain coldness that feels so...comforting? Have i met him before? If so where? Because i don't remember the name dabi at all. Though he reminds me alot of Todoroki. His attitude, his quietness, his eye colour. Maybe... He is Todoroki's brother. Maybe that's where i heard the name before. Because I've never heard of shoto. Though i did hear of touya...but isnt he dead now?? Ugh its so hard to think when katsuki is shouting at me. God damn it.
"Katsuki im trying to think. Can you stop fuckin yelling at me. I get it ok. Its body won't allow me to move. So can i at least figure out why in peace"
"Not when there's a fuckin villain right behind you"
Then suddenly everything goes black and i start to feel tired. I start to feel a sudden heat from fire in front of me and i start to hear katsuki yelling and then the sudden sound of explosions and then...nothing.

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