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I feel bad for letting mr compress take him but I had no choice. He got caught up in something that I wish he didn't. Now I have to deal with this problem because fuckin hell its gonna be a big one. I have one way of calming him down but he would know that its me then and I really don't think he would understand at all. Im not gonna lie... I love him. He is everything to me. He is like a brother to me. He's helped me through alot and he's always been there for me. And this is how i repay him. Damn. What kind of friend am I huh? I'll tell you. A shit one.

"Hey let me go!"

"Oh so you're awake"

"You're the one who set me on fire aren't you"

"Im glad you noticed"

"What do you want with me"

"Nothing. Just... We need to keep you here for a bit. Don't worry I won't hurt you. I wouldn't dream of hurting a hair on your pretty little head."


"Calm down. There's no need to shout."


"Good. Now... Just answer some questions and-"

Out of no where I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and then someone resting their head on my shoulder. I didn't know who it was until I saw the jet black spikes of hair and the purple burns.

"Dabi...what are you doing?"

"Im tired ok. I havent slept in what feels like forever let me rest."

"*sigh* alright. Anyway back to my point"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Why'd you ask."

"Because If I'm going to be stuck here I might as well gather info for the hero's"

"Well... Sorry to disappoint but no he isn't my boyfriend."

As I say that I feel dabi's grip tighten and him bury his head into my neck.

"Well someone sure is tired huh. C'mon I'll take you up to your room. Knowing you you'll end up falling asleep on the stairs or something while walking to your room"


When you get back to katsuki

"How do you feel about him?"


"You like him alot don't you. You can't lie to me Ash. I've known you since we were kids"

"Well I guess I really can't lie to you. Yes I like him...Alot actually. Like alot alot."

"Would you even say love?"

"Yeah I would actually."

"Is he the reason you're doing this?"

"Partly. But also because I just want my family to be proud of me for once. I'm sorry katsuki I never wanted to hurt you."

"Don't apologize. I'm more understanding then you know. And I know how your family are with you. I remember when your father would beat you and your sisters would lock you in the freezer or starve you half to death and how your mother would be crying whenever your father hit her because she 'wasnt good enough'. I know how It got worse when they found out you wanted to be a hero."


"Ash honestly. Calm yourself"

"Thank you for always being there for me katsuki. Your like a big brother to me."

"Well big brothers are supposed to be there for their little sisters am I right?"

"*laughs* yeah I suppose so"

"Now how about you let me out of these chains then we can talk more ok? And don't worry I'll keep my mouth shut"

"Alright hold on"

So I untie him then he stands up and shakes the chains of like they are nothing and he stands above me looking down at me...which honestly makes me feel quite small. He just stands there looking at me. As if to say that he knows I want to fall apart but I can't because I have to be strong otherwise Im vulnerable which makes me weak.

"Come 'ere dumbass. I know you wanna cry"

So I just fall into his arms and cry. I can't help it. Its like I've needed to do this for months.

"Why. Why was it me. Why am I always stuck in difficult positions. I never asked for this. Hell I never fucking asked to be born but here we fucking are. I just want someone to take me out"

"I know. I know. But you were born for a reason. If life is really that bad then that means it can only get better right?"

"Katsuki... I wish that were true but unfortunately it isn't. I just wish for one day when my dad or sisters would be happy with me. And I wouldn't have to pretend anymore"

"I wish I knew what to say but you know im shit with words."

"Yeah. Don't get me wrong... I love these guys but... Sometimes when shigaraki asks to talk to me so I have to walk all the way through the base... I feel all the villains just staring at me...watching me. I know they think I don't belong here. Its obvious I don't but I feel a special connection here. And I feel a special connection with shigaraki... Not in a love kind of way but as in... I don't know... Like he's my brother and I have to protect him, advise him, help him. Even if he doesn't feel the same that's what I feel. I can't leave without knowing why."

"Your father is a villain right. Damien nightfall right?"


"Well what if... And I know its a long shot but... What if he was hiding who he truly is from you guys."

"So like what... Your saying he might be All for one? Shigaraki's dad?"

"It explains it right."

"I guess so. I mean it would also explain why he was never there... Well almost never there"

"Exactly. Try doing some digging"

"Yeah. I will. Thank you katsuki"

"Don't worry about it hot head"

Toga's POV

Tomura having a sister? All for one having a biological child? That's hard to believe. Though not impossible. Maybe I could help her out. Get some of All for ones blood and Damien nightfall's blood and see if they match. Though that will be a hard task. Maybe im setting myself the impossible task. i want to help her so I will. Even if its almost impossible. I can try. Right?

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