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AU Synopsis: You were born into the world where you cannot see and identify color. This only happens when you fall inlove with a person so deeply that your oxytocin triggers your ability to see color. 

This will be an OT7 fic with the members having their separate AUs/Chapters where they will be a protagonist.

All will be BTS x Reader. AUs are where BTS are regular people with regular jobs (so far, in my initial story drafts.)

There may be cross overs from one character's universe to another at some but that's about it.

The length of per member's chapters will be varying and the theme of the stories may contain certain themes like death, trauma, angst etc. I'm just winging it as I write so there may be chapters shorter than others and some longer than others. Please understand that I cannot drag along the story if I feel like it's nearing its end.

Endings will vary per member. I love them all equally so please don't jump at me if your biases did not get the ending that you wanted. Their endings will purely base on the flow of my writing and I cannot tell who's getting good/bad ending if there will be.

I hope you enjoy and don't forget that BTS Loves us more than love.



Color Wheel | OT7 x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now