- 🏅Dating Oliver Wood would include...

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- quidditch

- more quidditch

- even more quidditch

- he taught you how to fly and is very proud to say it whenever anyone compliments yo skills

- no one even dares to hurt you coz he's like, big...and strong...and, um, will destroy them

- becuz he's so tall he takes the liberty of carrying you on his shoulders

"Olli, just why?"
"Because why not?"

- he makes you come to all his quidditch practices

- u watch in awe

- he notices and shows off even more

- before matches you sneak into the changing rooms to kiss him good luck

- once you saw him shirtless

- bish dem abs be looking goooooddddd

- lol whenever Gryffindor wins you celebrate with him



- y'all got high on sugar

- wayyyyy too much candy and butterbeer

- "(Y/N) I lOve u bEcoz you're FunnY and NiCe and smArt and funNy and NiCe."

- erm...I was not exaggerating about the butterbeer

- he clung to you for hours and wouldn't let you go back to ur dorm

- very clingy when he wants to be


- u legit can't escape his hold

- very strong boi

- he is king of cuddles

- unconsciously kisses your forehead in his sleep

- I mean what the hell gimme

- ur one of the most popular couples at school

- famous for ⬇️
• being insanely cute
• quidditch king and queen
• just plain awesome
- one time as a prank you told him you broke his broom

- he yelled and shouted and stomped and screamed and cursed at you

- reduced you to tears

- thankfully, you let Fred and George in on the prank

- they happened to walk by and immediately told him it was a prank

- but dear old Ollie wanted proof

- sooo they dragged him to the broom cupboard and surprise surprise! There was the broom.

- he felt so so so so so so so guilty

- locked himself in his dorm

- probably cried

- you went up and saw him being vewwy sad :(

- you both cried

- hugs

- kisses

- make out session

- you can see how this is gonna end lol

- 😇

Yo. How's life?

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