Back at S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Back on the jet, Diana took her bracers off, changing her clothes back to the way they were

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Back on the jet, Diana took her bracers off, changing her clothes back to the way they were. Diana reached under the seat, grabbing a duffel bag. She grabbed spare clothes and threw the bag into the seat next to her.

All of the men on the jet looked at her. She looked at them blankly. "What? You guys didn't think I'd be walking around in this, did you?"

"You guys don't stash spare clothes everywhere?" Kara asked. She reached into the bag, grabbing some clothes as well.

"I do," Stark said, raising his hand.

"See? Stark gets it," Diana replied. She walked to the corner of the quinjet for two seconds, then came back in jeans and a black leather jacket. Kara just stood there.

She looked at Thor, who was still standing. "You may wanna hold on to something."

Thor sat down, confused. Kara spun around rapidly, creating a small wind. When she stopped, she was in jeans, a collared shirt, black flats, and glasses. She stumbled, holding onto the walls of the jet. "I really gotta work on that."

"How did you do that?" the soldier asked.

"It is not as easy as it looks," Diana answered.

Kara nodded in agreement. The jet shook to a stop.

"We're here," Natasha spoke. Thor stood and grabbed Loki by the back of neck as the ramp lowered. There were about thirty agents standing there, waiting for them. Thor walked to the agents, giving them Loki. Natasha lead Thor, Stark, the soldier, Kara, and Diana inside.

Walking inside, everyone gathered around a table. A man in a purple button up shirt and glasses came in the room. Kara's eyes lit up at the man. "You're Bruce Banner!"

Bruce held his hand out and Kara gladly shook it.

"You can fangirl later, Kara," Diana said.

"Yeah, right."

"Hill," Natasha said.

The woman pushed a few buttons on her monitor and a camera feed popped up.

"In case it's unclear, if you try to escape, if you so much as scratch that glass," the man that was talking to Loki said. He pushed a button and a hatch opened under Loki's cell. "It's 30,000 feet straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?" the man pushed a button and the hatch closed. He then gestured to Loki. "Ant," he pointed back to the button. "Boot."

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