Chapter eleven <3

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I didn't edit the chapter

I don't know why I feel the need to say that everytme-

But yeah


Cameron's POV

"Hi Payton," I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding and looked at him.

"I'm sorry I-I just had to see you again," He stuttered slightly.

"Don't be," I bit my bottom lip nervously, "Don't be sorry at all."

A smile appeared on his lips, accenting his gorgeous dimples. My eyes met his, washing me over with a sense of strange security. My gaze wandered to his lips as I wondered if the thoughts of our kiss lingered in his mind the way it consumed mine.

"So why did you want me to come here?" I asked.

"I wanted to spend a night with you without complications. Where we can just see each other and not think about who we are supposed to be. We could just act like normal people before we have to separate forever," He answered.

"I'd like that," I said quietly and an uncontrollable smile appeared on my face.

"Okay," He smiled back and gently took my wrist, "I wanna go on the swingset," I pulled my arm gently to get me to follow him.

I giggled and let him lead me to the swings. He released my hand when he started walking towards me.

"What are you doing...?" I questioned playfully as he got closer.

"This," He answered quickly before placing one arm under the back of my knee and the other on my upper back, scooping me up and holding me bridal style.

"Okay, wasn't expecting that," I laughed as he walked me over to the swing and put me down on it.

"I'm gonna push you now," He laughed as he walked behind me.

"But what was the point of that?" I laughed in response.

"I don't know. I kinda just wanted to," He answered as he pushed me. I kicked my feet forward along with the motion of the swing.

"Oh so it makes you feel masculine to pick up a female?" I joked.

"Yeah, totally. I just had to show off that I'm a man," He faked a super deep voice.


"Have you ever thought about how dumb we are?" I asked.

He had been pushing me on the swings for a little while and laughing our asses off at stufpid random jokes.

"Hey I like to think I'm at least average intelligence," He responded, "You....yeah i don't know about you..."He teased.

"You're mean,"I pretended to pout, "But what I was trying to say is we're both so incredibly stupid. I mean, think about it, my only job was to catch you and I ended up letting you go...and finally escaped and then decided to meet up with me again."

"Anything to see you again," He said quietly.

"What?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Even if it meant me getting captured again, I think I'd do just about anything for another moment with you," He mumbled.

I didn't know how to react to the statement. So I sat there in silence. I dragged my feet across the ground and woodchips flew across the ground as the swing slowly came to a stop. I turned my head and looked at him behind me.

"I don't know what that means or what you're implying with that..." I muttered in confusion.

"I guess it's not as obvious as I thought," He laughed lightly, "I kissed you yesterday Cameron what do you think that means? I guess you're right we are pretty stupid. I started to catch feelings for a girl that literally kidnapped me.....and you couldn't even tell with the clear signs," He ran his fingers through his hair and looked up at the night sky.

"No I think I knew..." I sighed, " I think I knew that I felt the same, but I also know that we can't."

"That's why it's just the night," He gave a light smile.

"Then, let's stop being moody and enjoy the night," I smiled and stood up from the swings.


A couple hours had gone by and Payton and I were laying in the damp grass staring at the sky. The time had flown by, and I had one of the best times of my life just talking and laughing with him. We had this playful chemistry where no matter the situation he would always find a way to lighten the mood with jokes that would automatically put me in a happier mindset.

"I don't want this night to end," I turned my head and looked at him.

"Then why does it have to?" He asked.

" know why," I broke eye-contact.

"But think about it," He shifted so that he was sitting up with his legs crossed, "This works right? You snuck out tonight and we're here together with no issues so we can just do it again..."

"That's such a bad idea," I shook my head and stared up at the sky.

"Cam," He took my hands in his and pulled me up so that I sat in front of him. I crossed my legs and looked at him filled with sadness and mixed emotions. He kept holding my hands and caressed his thumb across my skin, "Can we just give it a shot?"

"Fuck it," I gave in, "It'll take a lot of sneaking around but I can try."

A bright smile appeared across his face and he immediately pulled me into a hug. His arms embraced me and held me in and I wrapped my arms around him in return. I buried my face into his chest and his chin rested on my shoulder.

I pulled away and flopped back onto my back and closed my eyes.

"Excuse me," I heard Payton say playfully, resulting in me opening my eyes. His hands were planted on the ground next to my arms and he hovered over me. A smirk played on his face, "That was rude Cameron. Nobody said we were done," He whispered.

"Too bad," I retorted and poked his nose.

"That one's not gonna work Mrs. Moneybags," He leaned down and pushed his lips onto mine. I kissed back. I placed my hands on the front of his shoulders and pushed him over so that I was above him without breaking the kiss.

After a short time, I abruptly got off of him. He shot me a confused look, "Is something wrong?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Payton it's four am," I answered ignoring his comment and holding up my phone to show him to show the time.

"But why'd you pull away?" He asked, still displaying that he was worried. The poor guy must've thought he did something wrong.

"Oh that? Just being a tease," I winked.

"Bitch," He grumbled in a flustered tone.

Author's note

Okay idek what to say after this one.

So they're not gonna abandon each other so that's kinda swaggy-

Fuck andi and peyton made me start saying swaggy-

Uh chile anyways so, song recommendation of the day: Yessirski by Lil Uzi and 21 savage

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