chapter nineteen <3

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This book got hella dramatic out of the blue real quick

Chile anyways so

Cameron's POV

(a/n: also can't forget that I didn't edit)

I stormed out of the house and hurriedly tread down the driveway. I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't take my car due to the fact it had a tracker installed in it, and I didn't want to be found.

I got to the street and took a turn, I found myself hurrying down the street, hopelessly trying to get away from my problems.

My steps rushed against the pavement, making small scuffs on the bottoms of my shoes. When I finally took note of my surroundings, I realized I had instinctively walked to the park. I harshly walked across the grass to the woodchips, creating small gaps in the shape of my shoes between the pieces of wood.

The terrain crunched beneath my feet as I wandered to the swingset. I took a seat but didn't bother to kick out my legs to put the equipment into function. My eyes began to sting when I reflected on her words.

Piper wasn't particularly wrong in her statements, but the harsh form it was executed in seared against my heart. Everything in my life was hectic and I wasn't ready for her approach. I knew I wasn;t the best friend recently, but I couldn't take it. Tears began to fall down my face.

I rapidly tried to wipe the salty liquid off of my cheeks with the sleeves of my jacket, and my breaths stuttered in the air.

Faint vibrations echoed through my bag while I reached for the zipper. I pulled open the purse and pulled out the electronic. The buzzing flowed through my hands as I stared down at the screen. It was a call from Isaac.

I rejected it, resulting in another ring shortly after.

I silenced the phone.

The phone slid effortlessly into my bag when I placed it back in. I harshly sniffed through my nose in order to stop anything else to flood down my skin. My eyes fell closed as I shoved my face into my palms, my elbows pointing into my knees.

My feelings emptied into my hands. I felt the tears sink through the gaps between my fingers, dripping in the forms of dots on my knees.

I let myself cry for what felt like forever.

"Cameron?" I heard a male voice approach me.

My glistening eyes rose from my hands to reveal Payton standing not too far away from me.

"Hey," He rushed over and wrapped his arms around my crumpled up stature, "I'm here. What's the matter Cam?" His hands ran circles around my back.

I lifted my head and pulled my hands around his neck, burying my face into his chest as I sob arose from my throat.

"You're okay," He shushed as his arms slipped to the back of my thighs, pulling me up into his arms. My legs wrapped around his torso as my breathing began to settle. One of Payton's hands fell on the back of my head, lightly stroking through my hair, while the other held me up, supporting my legs.

"Why are you here?" I sniffed, my finger twisted around one of the small curls that fell out of his hat.

"It's noon and you weren't answering the phone so I looked around the park to see if you were here," His fingers combed strands of my hair, "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked softly.

Throughout the entire encounter his voice stayed calm and gentle, radiating a sense of safety through my mind.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now," I mumbled.

"Okay," He moved his hand and lightly ran it up and down my back, "Do you want me to bring you home to my house?"

"Yeah," I nodded, my nose brushing against the fabric of his hoodie.

"Okay," I felt his voice vibrate through his chest as he stepped across the coat of wood chips that coated the base of the park. I shut my eyes when I felt the shift of being placed into a carseat.

My eyes fluttered open to reveal Payton leaned in front of me, clicking in my seatbelt. Our eyes met and he gave me a sweet smile, I returned the expression.

He leaned out of the car and lightly shut the door before walking to the other side of the car where he entered the driver's side. The door closed smoothly as he pulled it closed with one hand, placing the other on the wheel.





"Doll?" I opened my eyes and squinted up at Payton.

"I don't know I was just saying random names to try to get you to wake up. You fell asleep in the car," He laughed.

"Oh," I laughed lightly, "Still ew."

It wasn't odd that I had fallen asleep. I always found it physically draining to cry. The action shuts down your entire body which is partially responsible for my hatred of tears. That and the fact that showing that kind of emotion made me feel vulnerable, which was the reason I left.

To be alone in my moment of vulnerability...but when Payton showed up I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to be with him.

"You think everything is ew," He scoffed sarcastically.

"Yes, including you," I nodded and gave a scornful smile.

"Real nice," He rolled his eyes and reached over my body to unbuckle my seatbelt. He was standing by the car door on the passenger side assumingly to get me out.

"I know," I answered.

He backed away from the doorway in order to let me out. I scooted myself out of the car and stood up. My eyes glossed over the residence in front of me.

The place was enormous. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this house was the picture in the dictionary next to the word rich. Pillars decorated the outside along with perfectly tended to gardens and pathways that seemed to hold just the right amount of moss to give off a polished-greenery aesthetic.

I couldn't keep my focus on anything for long enough to take into account every single feature of the beautiful mansion.

"Holy moneybags," I whispered in awe.

"Welcome to my humble home," He laughed.

"Psh...sure humble. The three to four story mansion in front of me is humble," I scoffed.

"Five actually," He corrected.

"Wow nice way to rub it in," I laughed.

"Hey, you are in no position to complain Mrs. Moneybags," He held a point at me before poking me in the centre of my collarbone, "You do not have it so bad yourself."

"Fair," I squinted, before pushing his finger off of my bust, "Now take me inside hubby."

"Oh now you're going with the whole marriage thing because you've seen the house," He shook his head.

"Well duh," I teased.

Author's Note:

Weird place to end oopsies.

Song recommendation of the day: Rolex by Ayo and Teo

Okay I had flashbacks to this song today and remembered it-

I'm still obsessed and I'm not ready to let go of it okay

Later Losers🦑

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