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after school
"Akaashi do you want to get ice-cream with me? its been a long time since we hung out"

"Oh? sure i don't mind. But..its gonna be just us two right?" Akaashi replied afraid that maybe you'll ask Kuroo to come along since you and Kuroo have been hanging out alot lately

"Yeah of course! its sort of like a bestfriend mini date I guess" you ensured Akaashi that it'll just be the two of you for today

the walk from your school to the ice-cream shop was kind of quiet since none of yall started a conversation first it all was just a moment of awkward silence while the wind was blowing gently and the sound of the birds chirping alongside

"Why are we not talking?" You asked breaking the awkward silence between you and Akaashi

"Hmm? oh im just thinking of something"

With curiousity you asked him "thinking of what?"

"Thinking of what made you fell in love with Kuroo.."

You were flustered when you hear the name 'Kuroo'

"Well i guess, he's like the dreamy type of guy which every girl wants but cant have. You see he's tall, cute, handsome, sporty, friendly and many more, tell me which girl wouldnt want him ? But im sure he'd love someone beautiful,nice,caring etc."

"Ahh, that's the reasons i see. But you're beautiful, nice and caring" Akaashi replied but you can hear the sincereness from his voice

"Me? Akaashi look at me. Im nowhere near beautiful except the nice and caring part.. heh"

"Well, you're beautiful in my eyes" Akaashi responded while looking at you, by the look of his eyes you can tell that he totally meant it

You and him made an eyecontact but u just blinked at him and like did i just heard that right? because not gonna lie, he rarely compliments you.

"thank you.." you smiled and nudged his shoulder lightly and Akaashi just chuckled as to how cute your reaction were when he called you beautiful

Entering the ice cream shop and looking at the different kind of flavours but before you could even tell Akaashi what you want. He had already ordered it, you then walked up to him to see which flavour did he chose for you.

"Can i have one cookie and cream and one dark chocolate ice cream, please?" Akaashi asked the cashier

"You know me too well!"

"Since middle school" Akaashi shrugged and thought that it was a flex since Kuroo doesnt know you that well yet

"That'd be $4.50 sir" the cashier said

you took out your wallet ready to pay for the both of you but as usual Akaashi is always one step ahead but this time you stopped him.

"no i'll pay" you insisted

"no, it's alright i'll pay"

"no i want to pay, its okay" again you convinced him

"no my treat this time, you can treat me something else"


you kept your money and Akaashi was paying the cashier, the cashier just shook her head and smiled at you two while handing your ice-creams.

"you two make a beautiful couple" she chuckled

"no we are no-" but before you can even complete the sentence

"thank you ma'am, we sure do" Akaashi smiled while receiving the ice-creams

the cashier just smiled and waved goodbye to us, while walking back home and eating our ice-creams you asked Akaashi

"here's your ice cream y/n" Akaashi handed your cookie and cream ice cream

"what was that Akaashi, now she thinks that we're a couple" you whined

"good" Akaashi chuckled while savouring his ice-cream, you two had a great laugh and bonded with each other more since its been so long since the both of you had spent some time together

arriving at your doorstep

"thank you for today Akaashi! We should do this more often you know"

"i'd love to" Akaashi replied

"alright, see you tomorrow then" you waved at him

"yeah see you tomorrow, goodbye girlfriend" he teased you

"goodbye boyfriend" you teased back

one day i'll claim that title Akaashi smiled and walked away, he had a great time with you today. He loved today's date with you but to be honest his heart did a little thing when you called him 'boyfriend' even if its just for fun.

One day y/n, one day..

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