Try and stay alive for a little longer...
The vacant park got closer and closer as the breathless teenager ran up the spotted path. It was getting dark and, already, the rain had began to dampen her black, hooded t-shirt.
A streetlamp flickered beside the road, casting a slender shadow on the pavement. And for a split second, the shadow looked like a figure clad in black, it's pointy white teeth showed in it's hungry smile.
It was only when the teenager reached the rusty gate of the park did she notice another pressence. The person stood with his head bowed as the rain pelted down on his black hooded figure. His skin looked grey, his mask was the same colour as the blue barred fence he was leaning on.
The boy tilted his head a little. He looked lonely, as lonely as the teenager felt. But she knew better than to approach odd looking strangers, especially if they held a bloody organ in their hand.
Taking a step back, the teenager brushed away her bangs impatiently and looked around.
This was her ground because the park had been abandoned and left for alcoholics and others of that sort for years. Nobody else but her went to the park.
By now the rain had turned into a cold shower, it landed in muddy puddles and soaked everything that was around.
The sky had took on a dark purple colour, the clouds were a depressing grey. Just the way the teenager liked it.
What do I do now...? The teenager asked herself.
It wasn't like her to hesitate.
She glanced back at the boy who seemed to stand like a statue. Black drops slid down his mask and dripped down on the floor.
Who was this boy?
The teenager shook her head with annoyance. Get a grip, Sam, you idiot!
She commanded herself to turn around and leave, but something about the air here made her tense. A cold shiver went up her spine.
Could that have been her imagination...?
No! She took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She couldn't risk denying her senses nor could she risk the thought of mind tricks.
This was something else. Something out-of-the-ordinary and sincere. More sincere than the aura that came off the hooded boy in the park.
Slowly, Sam turned around, making sure that all her senses were on high allert.
Everything was way too quiet for her liking. It was just too...odd.
That was when she came face to face with a monster. It's wide eyes bore into her like it was trying to see her soul, it's black hair fell in clumps at it's shoulders. And when it smiled, it's smile practically reached it's cheekbones.
Dodge, to the left! The little voice in her head told her as the monsterous boy's hand came out from behind his back.
As quick as the boy's blow hit the metal part of the gate, Sam jumped to the side. Had she moved quicker, she wouldn't have got the cut on her cheek, but still, it was better than death.
The boy grunted as he stood straight. If he had any eyebrows, they would have dipped down lower than eyebrows could.
"Grrr, you were suppose to go to sleep!" The boy hissed. His pupils dialated and turned his already-dark-eyes darker.
He brought the knife down once again, only to strike the air.
Sam had already begun to run away, muttering incomprehensive words to herself as she looked for an escape route.
"Damn!" The boy muttered. "O'i, E.J, why did you have to stand around and watch instead of helping out?" By now the boy was fuming. He spat out the words as if they were poison.
The masked boy only shrugged and continued to stare up at the sky, taking a bite of the bloody organ every now and again.
...Those freaks are disgusting! Sam thought whilst sprinting down the pavement.
She had reached the street and was looking for a good hiding spot.
People looked at her with the usual 'you are an idiot' look, but she was used to that by now. Besides, she was far from caring what people thought of her.
With a breathless wheeze, Sam made it to the old shed behind the house that people said was haunted.
She opened the door - which had it's rusty lock taken off long ago - and fit herself in between the big flower pots, just beneath the shed's window. It reminded her of the time when she was younger, she always hid in small spaces.
Good thing I'm not claustrophobic! Sam thought with a smile.
Half an hour passed by and nobody had disturbed Sam's peace and quiet.
All that could be heard was the drip-drops from the rain outside. That and the loud thump that suddenly came from the shed's roof.
Shit! Sam tensed when a head poped outside the window.
The person must have climbed onto the roof. They peered into the dusty window as Sam hugged her knees to her chest in hopes to make herself smaller. that?
The faint sound of music came from outside. It lulled Sam a little and made her eyelids heavy.
Suddenly she felt the need to sleep.
...Don't listen to it! The voice in her head commanded. However, Sam didn't listen to the voice and lay her head on her knees.
The music began to grow louder, it echoed through Sam's head like a menancing lullaby you couldn't get out of your head.
Then the sudden buzzing happened.
Her body began to work all on it's own command, or rather, her other's command.
She knew this feeling too well; the headache, the sickness in her stomach, even the way she held herself gave her the answer to what was happening.
She took in one last, deep breath before the red splotches appeared at the corners of her eyes.
As she slowly lost consiousness she heard the voice. This time it came out of her own lips.
"I told you not to listen, you stupid idiot!" And with that she closed her eyes and gave in to the other side. The evil within her was unleashed.