181 19 25

Thursday a.m.

The hell tube.

The tin tube to hell,

And back, if you were lucky.

More hellish that usual, it seemed.

People, more people, too many fucking people.

No blue seat.

Again, no seat at all.

Not even in First Class.

Larry had spoiled him.

Why even buy a ticket ?

Chocolate eyes wasn't here today.

He didn't know where he was, 

He hadn't even asked.

Mondays and Fridays.

Brown eyes looked for him, all the same.

Searching, but not finding, 

Not expecting to.

He felt sick again, 

He hated the motion.

Motion sickness, ha !

His feet hurt, standing.

His shoes were still too tight, 

Why did he buy them, then ?

He steadied his breathing, 

Well, at least he tried.

His lungs were heaving in air, 



Fuck !

He had to lean forwards, 

His hands on his knees.

Why ?

Motion sickness, ha, indeed.

Then why take the hell tube, idiot ?

And hell it was, in more ways than one today.

Was he OK, someone asked.

No, he wasn't.

He'd get off, then.

It was too crowded, he needed air.

The hell tube stopped, at last.

Brown eyes got off,

Stood on the platform.

He felt the rush of air at his back

As the train left, rattling away.

He turned to look around

At the LED timetable above his head.

When's the next hell tube ?

15 minutes,

That would be long ......


The opposite platform, 

A world away, a chasm.

Yet so close.

Too close, right now.

He couldn't unsee it.

A huge fro,

Kissing another, smaller, female fro.

Chocolate eyes.

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