Chapter 14 The Tribunal

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Namjoon watched her walk away. He called out to her, "You promised!" He didn't care if people were listening. He cared that she was walking away from him and once again, he was letting her go. She turned around and his heart skipped a beat. 

She stuck out her tongue.

Perhaps others would see that as a rejection. But Namjoon saw it as hope. If she had really meant it, she wouldn't have turned around. The moment was short lived as he was surrounded by his security guard, manager, and bandmates. In the chaos, he turned to his manager, "Make sure nothing happens to her. She's important." The manager nodded and disappeared. Namjoon ignored the questions from his friends, who were talking over on another in loud whispers. Namjoon silenced them with a raised hand. Everyone in the office was still looking. They were still performing. The rest fell in line and quietly and politely walked back to the underground parking lot, thanking everyone along the way for a wonderful visit.

Once the van door shut, chaos resumed and he was immediately bombarded with questions. "Who is she?" "How do you know her?" "Did you sleep with her? She said you slept with her? I can't believe she stuck her tongue out. Did you see that? Classic! What's her name? What even was that?"

Namjoon was glad three of the members were in the other van. It was overwhelming enough with only half the firing squad. A moment later, their manager jumped in the front seat. As he put on his seat belt, he turned towards Namjoon, "It's been taken care of. She'll be fine."

Namjoon nodded, "Thank you." He had not doubted. Their manager always had their back.

They drove in silence as they waved to staff and fans. Once they were on the main roads, his manager turned around again, "Ok, now it's time to explain exactly what happened back there."

All eyes were on his expectantly. 

"Can we wait until we get back to the studio? I think everyone should be there."

His manager raised an eyebrow, but turned back around. 

Taehyung folded his arms, unhappy with the wait. Namjoon put in his airpods. They drove home in silence.

Once back at the studio, everyone gathered round. The manager began to talk, "You did well today. Polished. Professional. It's been less than an hour and you are trending on nearly every social media platform around the world. I am so proud of you and hope you can celebrate this achievement." The members clapped for each other and continued to listen. "And KBS made good on their word. There is not even a hint of Namjoon's encounter on the floor. It's been scrubbed." 

The boys turned towards Namjoon expecting his side of the story.

He sighed.

"Her name is Ki. I met her at the park. I never told her who I was. I was wearing a mask."

Jin pressed, "Aaaaannd????"

"And I want to date her. I am asking your permission to date her."

The eruption of voices was immediate.

Jin jumped up, shouting and pointing at RM, "If he gets to date, then I get to date!"

Taehyung fell into Jimin's arms, laughing.

Jungkook was asking, "Wait- can we do that now?"

He heard more questions falling over one another. "Does she like you too?" "Doesn't she hate you?"

And then finally the voice of Yoongi cut through them all, "What about the band?"

Everyone stopped and looked at Yoongi and then back at Namjoon.

Yoongi continued, "We agreed no dating until after military service. We've got five more years under contract. Five more years to change the world. Is she worth risking everything we've built?"

Jimin chimed in, "People will hate you. People will hate us. Have you thought this through?"

"No," he stated calmly,  "No, I haven't thought it through. Because I'm not thinking this one through. I'm feeling it." He put his closed fist to his heart. 

Jungkook whispered under his breath, "This is so romantic. Can we please say yes?"

Yoongi stood up and walked over to Namjoon. He stood directly in front of him. "Look me in the eyes and tell me she's worth it."

Namjoon looked back into his friends eyes. He saw no malice. No discontent. Just honesty.

"I don't know. But I think I have to find out."

Without breaking his gaze, Yoongi replied, "So he drinks from the grail, despite knowing the poison."

Hoseok jumped off his chair, "Oh my goodness. This is so exciting! We are getting a girlfriend!"

Jin and Taehyung joined him in a celebration dance. Jin turned to Namjoon, "She does realize she is getting seven boyfriends right?"

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, "To be honest, I'm not sure she's speaking to me right now."

Jimin righted himself on the couch, "Tell us everything."

Hoseok leapt up, "Wait, let me get a potato." The boys looked at him puzzled. He jogged over the kitchen and grabbed a raw potato and a peeler. He handed them to Namjoon, "Just in case you need them." The boys nodded in approval.

And then he told them everything from the very beginning.

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