Chapter 17 The Elephant in the Room

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Just as the door shut, Ki's knees gave way and she slid down the back of the door and onto the floor. She buried her head in her hands.

Her mom rushed over to her daughter, "What is it? What's the matter?"

She looked up at her mother. "Omma, this can't happen." Her mother knelt down beside her and put her hand on her daughter's shoulder, "Of course it can happen. It just happened."

"You don't understand. This isn't some boy. Plot twist! He's BTS. Our lives are ruined if I see him. We would have to move because hoards of angry females would be outside our door chanting for my death. It would ruin him and it would ruin me."

"Then why did you tell him you'd see him again?"

Ki burst into tears, "Because I wanted to know what it felt like just for a moment. To know the smile on his face was because of me. Because for that one moment he belonged to me. I just wanted one moment."

Her mother held her in her arms as they sat on the floor and she cried for a really long time. Neither one spoke. She was simply allowed to feel.

When she had finally exhausted all of her tears, she stood up and then helped her mother up.

Her mother looked at her tenderly, "What are you going to do?"

"The only thing I am good at. I am going to write a story." Ki let out a deep exhale and took out her phone.

"Joon. It felt like a fairy tale. It's what every girl would dream of. To have Kim Namjoon show up on her doorstep and ask to hold her hand. I think, maybe, my soul left my body for a moment. I was in another place that wasn't real, some place in between reality and a dream. A place where this would be possible. But we don't live in that space. We both know I can't see you again. I'm just a girl. And you are not just a boy. You are RM. I lose everything if I am with you. And for what? So you can get bored with me or too busy to see me? Then I lose everything and I lose you and you continue on being RM of BTS and I have to change my name and join a witness protection program. I am not meant for the spotlight. I am meant to be behind the scenes. It's where I belong. You and I are not just from two different worlds, we are two different worlds. Suspended in parallel orbits that will never cross. I will keep my promise. I will never hate you and I will never forget you. I will never forget the small moment I held your hand and your heart. I wish you all the happiness. - Ki"

She hit send. She was a coward for sending a text, but she didn't want to lead him on. She needed this to end swiftly so they could both begin healing.

Her phone buzzed in her hand.

"Unfortunately the number you have reached is not accepting your proposal. Your response has been rejected. A promise is a promise after all. I'll see you tomorrow. - Joon."

Ki looked at her phone in disbelief. For perhaps the first time in her life, she had no words.

Ki's mother came into the room with a hot cup of tea. She handed it to her daughter.

"What did he say?"

She shrugged her shoulders in a mini temper tantrum. "He said he'll see me tomorrow."

Her mother smiled, "I like this boy. He knows you are an idiot and likes you anyway." Her mother patted her on the head and gave her a kiss. "I'm going to bed. Don't wake me up when you come in unless the house is on fire or BTS shows up again."

Ki had a hard time sleeping that night. She slept on the couch so her mother wouldn't be bothered by her constant repositioning. She didn't know what she was feeling. Was she happy he hadn't given up so easily? Was she mad he happened accepted a clean break? What on earth was she going to do?

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