The first time

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A/N: This is one of my favorite chapters despite it not being one of my favorite episodes and I'm pretty proud of it! I guess I really enjoy exploring Emily's relationships in the glee club ha ha ha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as well!

"This emergency meeting is now in session." Rachel said, as she hit her small hammer against the desk to get everyone in the room to look at her. "I realize that we are a house divided but I need the advice of my girls. The last time I called a meeting like this was during our Madonna lesson, and all of you were wildly unhelpful. But it's been two years now and we've all grown up, so I'm optimistic."

Emily raised an eyebrow then, sitting beside Santana with her legs crossed over a table as the older girl filled her nails, as uninterested in this conversation as Emily seemed to be.

"Finn and I were... Almost intimate." Rachel said and Emily almost groaned. What happened between Berry and her boyfriend really wasn't in Emily's list of must-knows at that point. It didn't even make top-fifty, if she was being honest.

"Almost?" Tina asked, seemingly invested in the topic. "What happened?"

"He ran out." She said. "I just, I wanted my performance of Maria to be as realistic as possible, and when he found out that that's why I was doing it, he got really, really hurt."

"Well, of course he was hurt." Emily pointed out.

"Yeah, that's really bad, Rachel." Brittany nodded.

"I know, I know, I feel terrible, and now I realize that I was just doing it for all the wrong reasons." Rachel sighed, clearly distressed.

"Do you want my advice?" Quinn asked, as Rachel turned to her then. "Just wait."

"Just wait?"

"Look what happened to me."

"You could have used protection." Tina pointed out as Quinn rolled her eyes.

"I'm not just talking about getting pregnant, I'm talking about losing something that you can never get back." She explained. "It changes you. It makes everything more complicated."

"I also think that you should wait." Santana said, as Emily stared at her, surprised. That was, until her friend continued with her speech. "Speaking from experience, Finn is terrible in bed."

"Santana..." Emily warned her as the girl shrugged.

"What? If Rachel wants my sloppy seconds, she should at least know the truth." She said. "Look, it was like being smothered by a sweaty, out-of-breath sack of potatoes that someone soaked in body spray."

"I lost my virginity at cheerleading camp." Brittany said. "He just... climbed into my tent. Alien invasion."

Emily stared at her, confused for a second, wondering if she should worry about that revelation or if that was just another one of Brittany's crazy ideas. She'd think about it later, though, because Rachel was soon talking again.

"Okay, well - then I guess it's settled." She said. "Obviously things are heating up between Finn and I, but I think we should wait."

"Losing my virginity was a great experience for me." Tina said. "Because I was with someone I love. It happened this summer. Mike and I talked about it for a while, because we knew the first time was gonna be something we'd wanna remember forever. And when that moment came, we just knew. It was right. It wasn't rushed. It was amazing. He's my first love, and I'll always look back at that moment as absolutely perfect. No regrets."

"So... You think I shouldn't wait?" Rachel asked, suddenly a bit confused again.

"What I'm saying is that losing your virginity is not something that you can decide based on what other people say." Tina explained. "It's the type of thing that when you know, you know."

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