On my way

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Trigger warning: This chapter touches on some heavy stuff, so if you are uncomfortable reading it, just skip the part in italic, okay?

The photo-shopped image of Finn that Sebastian had made and that Rachel and Kurt had brought to glee club, waving it around and letting everyone see it was something that Emily didn't think she'd ever get out of her head. But as traumatized by it as she was, she was also angry, which was what everyone in that glee club was too because not only was Sebastian Smythe blackmailing them, he was also being unbelievably cruel to one of their own. Again. So it was absolutely understandable when Finn got up from his chair and started to match up to the door.

"That's it. I'm done." He said, an angry undertone to his voice that Emily didn't think she'd ever heard before. "I'm leaving this classroom, and I'm going to beat that Sebastian kid's ass!"

"Finn, chill." Mr. Schue stopped him, but Finn only scoffed.

"No, I'm not going to chill." He spat. "I... I'm done chilling."

"The official show choir rule book states that 'any real or perceived threat of violence, vandalism or humiliation will be met with a swift and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party's team with extreme prejudice'." Artie said, reading off the book him and Sam had been looking for in Mr. Schue's office. "It's right here. Page 72, by-law 15, section six, article 44."

"Guys, I contacted the headmaster of Dalton." Mr. Schue tried to calm the kids down.

"Like you did when Sebastian almost blinded me?" Blaine scoffed. "What did they do then?"

"Same thing as they're going to do now..." Emily shrugged as she sat back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest. "Nothing."

"Look, none of this matters now anyways, okay?" Rachel said, as everyone turned to her. "We're not going to let him beat us like this. I'm going to perform at Regionals."

Emily's eyes widened at that. Rachel still wanted to perform? Even if Sebastian had threatened to post that picture of her boyfriend — actually, fiancé — on the internet like that? And apparently Emily wasn't the only one shocked because Finn looked at her with an expression of pure disbelief in his face.

"Even if he's going to post a photo like this of me if you do?" He demanded.

"Finn, I'm not going to negotiate with terrorists." Rachel said.

"If someone posted a picture like that of me online, I'd probably kill myself." Sugar commented.

"Twice to be sure I was dead." Rory was quick to agree.

"Look, you guys are just going to have to deal with things like this." Mr. Schue said as Emily frowned at him. "The more successful you get, the more garbage people are going to make up about you. They're going to love to tear you down."

"We can deal with rumors and gossip. I mean, it's high school, we deal with it everyday." Emily shook her head, absolutely shocked that this was even a topic of discussion. "But this is blackmailing. This is a crime. And so was Sebastian's assault on Blaine. And we're gonna do nothing about this again?"

"I can't believe you would do that to me." Finn shook his head, looking at Rachel, clearly offended.

"I'm going to be married to you." The girl argued as she walked toward him. "Don't you think I'm going to suffer the consequences as well? I mean, I just... I don't care about stuff like that. I love you, and we'll... We'll manage this together. Okay, the important thing right now is that we win."

"So you wouldn't care if I Photo-shopped a photo of you like this and put it on the Internet?"

"Look, our future depends on us winning Regionals. It'll help me towards my NYADA application."

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