Hold on to sixteen

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A/N: It's here, guys! I'm so excited!!!! I hope you like it!

Also, the song isn't an original, I know, but for the sake of the story, let's just pretend. The actual song is called Sit still, look pretty by Daya. If you haven't heard it, go give it a listen, it's great!

Emily had heard it from Brittany, who had heard it from Sugar, who had heard from Mercedes, who had heard from Tina who had heard it from Rachel Berry herself and now, the girl couldn't actually contain her excitement. Actually, it took her awhile to believe in any of it, but as soon as Santana met her in her locker that day saying it was true, she decided she needed to see it with her own eyes. So, there they were, the two of them, running down the hallways with Emily almost dragging her friend along toward the choir room.

"This is pathetic." Santana laughed, with a shake of her head. "You're pathetic."

"Shut up." Emily laughed back at her, not even sparing her a glance as she kept on running. "You were almost as excited as I was."

"Not nearly." Santana rolled her eyes. "But I did hear he got hotter over summer, so I am curious to see if his lips-to-face ratio got any better since the last time I saw him."

"Santana..." Emily laughed, almost squealing in excitement when she finally spotted the choir room at the end of the corridor.

Before she could run away, though, Santana pulled her back as Emily frowned.

"What are you doing?" She asked, as the older girl simply shrugged.

"I call it dibs."

"Dibs on what?"

"Welcoming him first."


"I have a whole speech prepared. Come on, Em, I know you really want to jump his bones, but let me have a moment first?"

Shaking her head with a laugh, Emily shrugged.

"Fine." She said, pointing at the door of the choir room with a smile. "Go on, then."

And so Santana went, walking inside the room with a smile as Sam and the rest of the New Directions turned to her.

"I just heard the news that Trouty Mouth is back in town." She said, as everyone worriedly looked at the pair. Santana pulled out a small notebook from her skirt and Emily stood by the door, watching the interaction as she leaned against the door frame. "I've been keeping a notebook, just in case this day ever came."

Santana cleared her throat then and opened her notebook. Emily watched as Sam looked at Santana with a soft smile, already half-expecting something like this. Santana was right, though, he had gotten hotter over summer and Emily wasn't sure if it was the new haircut or the fact that he looked less like a boy this year and more like a man, but she wasn't about to complain in any case.

"Welcome back, Lisa Rinna." Santana started reading as Sam shook his head at the insult. Emily bit back a smile then, looking around as she watched everyone's stunned expressions at the interaction. "I've missed you so much since your family packed their bags, loaded them in your mouth, and skipped town. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to enjoy a crisp pickle, but couldn't find anyone to suck the lid off the jar. I assume you've been working as a baby-polisher, where young mothers place their infants' heads in your mouth to get back that newborn shine. So glad you're back. I haven't seen a smile that big since a Claymation Abominable Snowman got his teeth pulled by that little gay elf dentist. Love, Santana."

There was a moment of silence as Santana smirked and closed her notebook and Sam placed his guitar on his back, stepping forward to pull the girl in a hug.

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