Last note

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Again, I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who read this, but mostly for everyone who voted and commented. You have no idea how much that means to me.  You're pretty much the reason why I keep posting here, anyway.

Also, I hope you've enjoyed this story because I have seasons 4 and 5 on the way! Yay! More than I did in the previous two seasons, I'll change a few things and skip a few chapters, but I'll be letting you know along the way as I post it.

What I wanted to say, mostly, is that I'm not sure I'll be writing for season 6, mostly because I actually don't really like that season and I actually can't really rewatch it to write it, I'm so sorry - please don't @ me. I have been thinking, however, of writing for season 1, so, if you're interested in that, please, let me know.

Anyway, I'll stop talking now, ha ha ha. Again, thank you for everyone who read this and I'll be posting the next book on next Monday!

Lost of love <3

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