Finn-Secret Relationship and Paparazzi's

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You're famous here and you star on different shows and movies like:The Umbrella Academy,IT 2017 and Spiderman homecoming and far from home

Y/N's P.O.V.:

Finn's been my boyfriend for a year now,we kept our relationship secret because I don't want to ruin his career which is going great by the way while him,he said he wants to keep it a secret because he's afraid of our fans reaction,but I know that isn't the real reason.

Finn just really likes the thrill of keeping a secret from the everybody,well except our family and close friends because they know that we're in a relationship.

Its kinda hard to hide it from them anyways,they're too nosy not to notice the changes between us.

Today we're flying back to toronto to spend his 1 week vacation that his manager gave him.

He didn't post anything in his IG that he's flying back here in hopes of that the fans won't bombard us at the airport when we arrived.

I sat beside Finn his hoodie covers his head as he sat  beside me on the window seat while I sat next to the aisle just because I lost when we played rock scissors paper.

I saw a girl glancing at us,she smiled at me so I smiled back.

After a few minutes I saw her taking a selfie,too tired to notice that she's just simply taking a stolen pic of me I shrugged it off sitting back closing my eyes.

Getting ready for a fun and peaceful week away from our stressful life.

Oh little did I know.


We arrived and walked out to the front of the airport to wait for his mom to pick us up when Finn's phone dings.

(I don't know how airport works,never been in one)

We stood there waiting while I stare at the floor,wet from the rain that just stopped pouring.

"Mom said she'll be a little bit late,need to pick something up."he said putting his phone in his back pocket smiling at me.

"Its okay,I can wait."I smiled at him.

"Well I can't,I'm already bored,so why don't we buy some drinks,my treat"he offered wrapping his arms around me dragging me along side him while adjusting the strap of his duffel bag on his shoulder.

"Yeah,lets go.When its free,I want it"I laughed and he snickered

We ordered our drinks and sat down at a table in the corner of the coffee shop.

We talked about our plans for this week and after half an hour his phone dings again.

He pulled it out his pockets and checked.

He smiled looking at his phone.

"What is it?,"I asked

"Mom's already near,she said she'll meet us at the parking lot."

"Well lets go then,"I stand up offering my hand to him and he took it.

We walk out of the cafe turning to the left when I caught a glimpse of paparazzi's coming from our right side.

My eyes widened so I pulled my hoodie over my head so they wouldn't see my face.

"Finn put your hoodie over your head!"I hissed still looking down on my feet while tugging his sleeves.

He stopped walking and faced me,"why?"he asked

I was just about to tell him why,but I was cut off with the paparazzi's shouting his name.


I cursed to myself while I hear Finn cursing under his breath.

He interwined our hands and walked away faster,we can't run since the floor is wet and slippery and we don't want to get in an accident do we?.

I heard girls squeling shouting his name along with the paparazzi's flashing or cameras.

I just look at the floor while walking my hoodie still covers my head,Finn leads me so I won't bump into something.

"Who is she Finn?,"one of the paparazzi yelled

"How are you even sure they're a girl?"he said

'Now is not the time Finn'I thought

"We saw her (sorry if your hair is short) long (h/c) before she covers her head with her hoodie!"Another paparazzi yells back

"What?,a boy can't have long hair?"he talked back

I swear to god I'll smack him in the head later.

"Are you saying you're gay?"a girl yells,sadness laced on her voice

"What if I am?,you ship me with Jack everytime,"he laughs I stopped myself from laughing and just walked faster.

Airport personels noticed the encounter so 6 people that worked for the airport tried to stop the paparazzi from walking nearer to us,but they didn't stop from bombarding Finn questions.

I swear this walk is taking forever since they surrounding our back,left and right side except our front where we walk,the personels are barely holding them back.

I saw Finn's mom's car nearby when I looked up a little and I sighed in relief,but it didn't last long since someone behind me tug my hoodie so hard I slipped and fell on my bum,letting go off Finn's hand in the process.

The hoodie fell out of my head,exposing my (s/c) face to the public.

Everyone gasped and freezed for a second then they started capturing pictures of me.

"Is that (y/n) (l/n)!?"

I covered my face with my hands thought I know its too late and they captured my face and this will probably be on the news tonight or tomorrow morning.

"Hey!,get away from her!"Finn yells pulling me on my feet,wrapping his arms around me as we walk towards his mother's car.

"Are you okay?"he asked and I just nodded

He opened the backdoor of the car and let me in first.

"Finn!,is she your girlfriend?"

Finn looked at me before entering the car,glancing one last time at the paparazzi's he said a firm,"Yes."before closing the door.

We drive off and he we laughed glancing between eachother and the paparazzi's we left behind.

"Well shit,"I laughed

"What a peaceful vacation huh?"he snickered

"Are you guys okay?"his mom asked

We glanced at eachother before answering,"Never been better"

(A/N:This is my first ever imagines so sorry if it sucks.Feel free to request!Just message me!)

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