Finn-Full of cash,empty hearts(Final Part)

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Finn-Full of cash,empty hearts(Final Part)

Song suggestion:

Invitation by Why Don't We
Flashing Lights by Kanye West

Third Person's P.O.V.:



Famous actor Finn Wolfhard is seen on a date with the daughter of business woman M/n and business man F/n.

An anonymous source says they've been dating for a long time now and the two met when Actor Finn Wolfhard is still filming IT 2017 and Y/n L/n convinced her mother to sponsor the movie.

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Y/n laughs at the articles that was written about her and Finn.

The last few weeks,when Y/n always pick up Finn on set,or at his house.Along with the Season 3 premiere.

They were too preoccupied to notice the paparazzi's following them and the picture  the two girls captured on Chanel is even used in one of the articles.

A knock on the Y/n's bedroom caught her attention,she opens it to reveal Finn on the other side with a bag of food and beverage since they planned to watch movies all day for his day off.

"What you doing?,I heard you laughing from outside"Finn asks as he plops down on her bed.

"Look at this"Y/n offers him her phone and he accepted it with a confused face.

Finn read the article and laugh at all the bullshit written in it.

"I can't believe this,"Finn laughs as Y/n checks the bag of food not acknowledging Finn.

"Heyyy,did you just kept me in your life to get you food?"Finn whines and Y/n laughs

"Maybe?"she asks and Finn rolls his eyes

"Why don't you just play me some song hmm?"Y/n asks as she pointed at the guitar Finn left the last time he visited.



Finn's been courting Y/n for six months now and he's been really patient with her.

Today,its the awards night and Finn asked Y/n to be his date,which she agreed to.

Finn's taps his feet on the car's floor repeatedly as they get nearer the red carpet and Y/n looks at him worried.

"Hey,is everything alright?"she asks Finn and Finn shook his head

"I just feel nervous"

"Hey,hey,its fine...I'll be there the whole time"Y/n explains as she took his hand in hers.

Finn smiled at her as the cars stop in front of the red carpet where alot of paparazzi's stood.

"You can do this,"Y/n spoke as she kissed Finn on the cheek making him blush

Someone opens the door and Finn climbs out holding Y/n's hand.

"Is that Y/n L/n!?"

"With Finn Wolfhard!?"

"Y/n!,Finn!,please look here!"

Different people screams their name and Finn waved at them and Y/n smiles at them as she holds her purse on the other hand while her other holds Finn's.

"Millie!,hi!"Y/n waves at her seeing her on the red carpet,Millie waves back at Y/n before lookin back infront where paparazzi's yell her name.

They took a couple of picture until they reach the interviewers,they staffs guide them to a woman in her early 30's who smiled at them.

"Look at this guys!,we have Finn Wolfhard AND Y/n L/n!"the woman cheers as she glances between the camera,Finn and Y/n.

"HI Y/N!"someone yells from the crowd and Y/n waves at them before looking at the interviewer.

"So how are you guys?"

"We're good thank you"Y/n answers as Finn breathes out

Y/n squeezes his hand and smiles at him and Finn did the same.

"So there's this rumors going on that you two are dating,is that true?"

As soon as the woman asked this,the crowd behind her squeled and yells chanting Finn and Y/n's name.

"Well,I've been courting her for six months now"Finn answered smiling making the crowd scream louder and the paparazzi's took photos.

"That's nice"

"Yeah,he's been really patient with me"Y/n added

"So when do you think you'll say yes to being Finn's girlfriend?"the woman asked Y/n and she smiles

"Well thank you for that wonderful question,which reminds me,I have something to ask Finn"Y/n announces and Finn looks at her confuse

"What is it?"the woman asks

Y/n then faces Finn as he looks at her confuse.

"Finn Wolfhard,will you do the honor of being my boyfriend?"Y/n asks and the crowd went balistic.

Even the cast of Stranger Things cheers at Finn while the cast of other shows watched taken back at Y/n's action.

Finn's eyes widened and he nodded his head excitedly and Y/n then smashed her lips against his.

The paparazzi's went wild as flashing lights go off taking pictures of the two new biggest couple of the industry.

Y/n pulls back laughing at Finn's red face as she looks back at the interviewer.

"I think we need an ambulance"Y/n jokes and the interviewer laughs

"I think we do need one,but not for me"Finn says as he kisses Y/n again.

Maybe her pockets aren't the only thing full.

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Sorry for typos,I immediately post after I write so not edited.

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