Finn/Miles-Colliding with Fate(1)

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Finn/Miles-Colliding with Fate(1)

You got in an accident and woke up in a different world


Third Person's P.O.V.:

"I swear Finn,I'll be there in fifteen minutes,"Y/n laughs as she literally can see Finn rolling his eyes over the phone

The rain taps roughly on the windows of the car her mom is driving as she sat in the back talking to Finn on the phone.

"Yeah,you better come here because we need to talk about something"Finn said in a serious tone

"About what may I ask?,"Y/n laughs nervously

"About my feelings for you,Y/n I like you."Finn whispered through the phone and Y/n froze not knowing how to reply.

She liked Finn for a few weeks now...

"Wait for me and lets talk about this in person,"Y/n suggested and Finn agreed and apologized

"Don't apologize its Fine"Y/n smiled even though Finn can't see her


Suddenly the car swerves left and right when Y/n's mom Y/m/n tried to avoid a speeding car.

The car hits the ledge of the bridge as the metal breaks and the car falls in the water under the bridge.

"Y/n?,Y/n!?Are you okay?,"Finn asked through the phone but Y/n is too busy panicking as the car started to fill with water

Y/m/n opened the door and pulls Y/n with her and they resurface above the water,while trying to swim and stay up float.

When the harsh waves and hard rain made Y/m/n accidentally let go of Y/n.

"Y/n!?,Y/n!?"Y/m/n yelled for her daughter

Y/n tried to swim but its like the water is pulling her under and when she knows that she's losing her breath,she stopped trying and just closed her eyes,sinking deeper in the river.


Y/n gasped sitting up looking around her and saw that she's beside a pool.

"Are you okay Y/n?,"

"Finn?,where's my mom?,"Y/n asked

But the boy just stared at her in worry.

"Did the water get in your brain?.Who's Finn?,its me Miles.And Y/n...your mother died 3 years ago remember?,"Miles explained sitting beside Y/n wrapping a towel around her

"No,no.Where am I?,I was just in a river with my mom.We got in a accident and,and—"

Miles laughed helping her stand up.

"Y/n you're probably tired and in shock because you almost drowned,but its okay.You need rest okay?,"Finn—or Miles kissed her forehead guiding her inside the mansion.

Y/n breathed heavily,is she losing her mind?.What the hell is happening?.

She was pretty sure she's drowning in the river a minute ago.

"No,Miles?,I'm Y/n and I was drowning in a river a minute ago"

"Shhh,Y/n you are drowning but in the pool."Miles explained looking at Y/n with their hair dripping wet

"Is Y/n okay Miles?,"Flora asked when she saw Y/n shaking

"Yes Flora,she's alright.She just needs rest"


Y/n thought she's losing her mind.

Miles said that she's been living with him for 3 years since her parents died along with his.

But she's pretty sure her parents are alive,well she's sure her mom survive the river waves.

"Y/n?,can you play with me?,"Flora asked trying not to scare the girl who's been acting weird for a week.

"Sure,Flora right?,"Y/n asked and Flora nodded

They played dolls until Miles who she still mistakenly call Finn from time to time.

"How are my two favorite girls?,"he asked as he sat beside Y/n wrapping his left arm around her shoulders

Y/n glanced at Miles,not used to his affection.

He doesn't even know the boy existed until last week.

And he looks just like Finn!

"Are you okay?,"Miles asked when he noticed that Y/n is staring at him

Y/n blushed nodding her head realizing that she's caught staring.


Y/n started to adjust around the manor after the second week and today is her third week.

She still misses Finn and her family,she did everything to go back to them,she tried drowning herself in the tub or pool but nothing happens.

Walking around the mansion Y/n's eyebrows furrowed when a yellow car parked in front of the mansion.

Curioused,she ran downstairs to greet the visitor,the last three weeks she's only seen three faces.Miles,Flora and Mrs.Gross

She reached the front door when the woman with short blonde hair was about to go to the gardens.

"Hi!,may I ask who are you and why are you here?,"Y/n asked

The girl jumped not expecting someone to answer.

"Hi!,I'm Kate,your tutor...You must be Flora?,"Y/n laughs walking up to the girl

"I'm Y/n,Flora is Miles's sister."Y/n explained leading Kate to the gardens

"And you're their?"

"A family friend.My parents died along with Miles's and Flora.So here I am."Y/n explained the story that's been told to her because she knows that no one would believe her if she said

'I drowned in a river and appeared here!'

Kate nodded as they entered the gradens where Flora's toy are in the small fountain.

"Flora leaves her toys everywhere,so don't be shock if you find a mermaid in your bathtub."Ms.Gross spoke up as the two girls look at her.

"Y/n,would you mind finding Miles?,"

Y/n nodded,"I was about to Ms.Gross,but Kate seems lost"

"I'll leave you with her,"Y/n faced Kate,"By the way,she's a bit uptight"Y/n whispered and Kate laughed lightly.


"She's weird..."Flora whispered to Miles as they sat under a tree having a picnic.

"She's crazy."Miles said before biting to a strawberry.

They watch as Kate ran towards the trees still in her red robe.

"Should we follow her?,"Y/n asked but Miles just shook his head 'No' before laying his head on Y/n's Lap

Y/n just looked at the trees in worry for Kate's safety.

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞||𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚗 𝚆𝚘𝚕𝚏𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now