Miles and The Sinister 2 AU

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Miles and The Sinister 2 AU

(This is based from 'The Sinister 2' movie)

Third Person's P.O.V.:

(Miles's parents are still alive)

"Are you sure you don't want to watch another movie,Miles?"y/n asked as she sat beside Miles's drum set while playing with the drum sticks.

"I said I don't want to,"Miles answered covering his ears with his pillows

"But Miles,you know what would happen...Nightmares will visit in your sleep."y/n explained as she stands up and sat beside Miles's laying body on his bed.

She caress Miles's arm as she leaned in and whispers to his ears.

"You know where to find us Miles,"she then stands up and walk away.

Miles listened to her footsteps walking away and when the door closes he looked up to the door and fell back on his bed to sleep.


Miles walk on the dark hallways of his manor,a knife in his hands.

Suddenly he was outside,watching his parents departing car,when it swerve right and left and slammed into the gate.


***end of dream***

Miles sat up,panting he tried to even out his breath.

Knowing the solution to stop his nightmares,he stands up and walk on the dark hallways of his manor towards the attic.

He pulls down the ladder and climbs up slowly,where y/n is waiting for him.

"Miles!,you came!"she greeted hugging him

"Hi y/n,"Miles smiled at the girl

"Watch mine tonight Miles,"y/n gave him a film to watch and the other kid,Milo,played it.

***Y/n's Film***

At first it shows a family setting up tents and starting a bonfire in the middle of the woods.

Y/n then prepares the food while her parents set up tents and her (little sister/brother) plays on her/his phone.

Then the film changed.

It suddenly shows three people tied up back to back while planks of wood are stack up on their legs.

Then the person behind the camera is shown holding a lighter,lights up the family on fire.

***End of Y/n's Film***

"Y-you did that?,are you asking me to kill Flora?"Miles asked

"What?,no—"y/n tried to reach to himbut he stands up walking towards the attic doors.

"I'm not asking for you to kill Flora,Miles"y/n stated standing up

"We want you to kill your parents Miles,"Milo explained

Miles then continued to climb down the ladder towards his room when he suddenly notices Flora is standing at her doorway,looking at Miles.

"What are you doing up there Miles?,"she asked

"Nothing Flora,go back to your room and sleep"Flora then nodded closing her door

Miles continued to his room,but a voice stopped him.

He heard voices in his parents room,they sounded like they're shouting.

Miles walked towards their door slowly and peeked at their door.

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