When He Tries To Win Your Heart/ When He Confesses

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Karma Akabane was gonna do it.

He was going to ask you out, no matter what the risk was, and he was going to get you to say yes.

He'd win you over like a charming prince wins the heart of a fair, beautiful princess.

And he was gonna win.

He had to.

Because Akabane Karma never lost.


It all initially started at the beginning of the week.

There were 7 days before valentines day and only 5 of which you went to school, although that factor didn't faze Karma much.

Day 1
"Good morning (Y/N)." He said in a very polite tone you'd never heard him use before.

"Good...Morning?" You said back in confusion.

"Did I tell you that, uh, that your eyes look very nice today?" He said, pulling at his collar. It was almost as if he was nervous.

Your brows furrowed.


"Yeah! Here, take these, 7 of your favorite flowers to represent 7 days before Valentine's Day." He said.

"Alright clown face what's wrong? Where is it? Are they rigged? Is there some sort of prank you're pulling? 'Fess up or I'll beat your ass."

He shook his head.

"No. These flowers are actually for you."

"What?! What's wrong with you Bakabane?"

"What do you mean? You think I can't be nice for once?"

"Um...No. Normally, you call me wifey and say perverse things, so..."

"Awe, you like that nickname, huh wifey?"

"Ah, there he is." You said and rolled your eyes before taking a seat and placing the flowers far across your desk.

"I don't know why you think I'd fall for such a silly prank, but get your head out of your ass Bakabane."

"There really is no prank, (Y/N). I hope you like them." He said seriously before walking away, contemplating better ways to get your attention.

Because of that, he didn't even see you pick up the flowers again, admiring them a bit.

You had never really been a flower kind of girl, but these were one of the few flowers that were your favourite.

How Karma knew that, you didn't know.

However, what he did see, was the small blush that adorned your cheeks, and the smile that made its way onto your lips as you looked at this flowers, and oh boy did his heart race.

Day 2
Just 6 more days until Valentine's but he knew he had this in the bag.

It was lunch time and suddenly 6 students walked in carrying silver platters.

You found this strange but shrugged. The people at your school tended to be extra. You wouldn't be surprised if the principals son was abusing his privileges, again.

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