When Hes Trying To Get Your Attention

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The good thing about technology is that it's a pathway for anyone with enough imagination to fall into another world, especially with all the online fanfiction reading apps. You had your daily dose of citrus all the time and it was so amazing.

At the moment, you were scrolling through one of the fan fictions that you found online about your favourite character. You were completely immersed in it. Especially the citrus part.

So immersed, in fact, that you didn't see nor hear your boyfriend enter the library and take a seat beside you.

Of course--Karma being the guy he was--waited for you to acknowledge him. He figured he had that sort of charming effect that made him impossible to ignore or be overlooked.

However, when 5 minutes had passed and you hadn't even looked up from your phone, he had to hide the surprised look on his face.

He cleared his throat subtly, but you were so distracted, you didn't notice.

Instead, your focus stayed on your phone. You even let out a small giggle when the story became good.

That's when Karma literally malfunctioned!

How could you ignore him! Him! Did you even know who he was?

He was perfection. To him, he was the epitome of a God, and there was no way that someone as amazing, talented, and well, let's face it, perfect as him could ever be less interesting then whatever you were doing on your phone.

He reached over and took the phone from your grip, finally causing you to face him.

"What's wrong with you Bakarma! I was trying to read!" You whisper yelled, you were in the library after all.

He gave you a smile.

"Nothing is wrong with me, dear wife, it's more about what's wrong with you. You see I have been sitting here, waiting for you to finish doing what you're doing—and pretty patiently might I add—but it seems you'd rather focus on your phone and not me, which I find virtually impossible, as, what could be more interesting than me?" He looked at your phone screen but you quickly reached for your phone. When you couldn't get it you covered the screen, your face reddening.

"D-don't look!" You cried out.

He instantly smiled. Call it his sadism, but your reaction only made him want to tease you more.

"Oh?" He placed his free hand on your hip, squeezing it. This prompted you to instantly let go of your phone and clutch your side wincing.

He took this opportunity to take a peek at your phone.

He read a few words aloud,

"(F/C) held you close and looked into your eyes. His hands cupping your cheeks.

"(Y/N), are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course." You replied. And then he-"

You kneed Karma in the leg and he stopped.

"Oh? Were you reading something naughty~?" He teased.

You wanted to hide your face but you felt it would only make things worse. So instead, you took the chance to try and reach for your phone again but he stopped you.

"Ah, ah, ah~. Are you trying to hide your naughty fan fictions from me wifey? Bad girl." He said simply, patting your thigh before continuing to read. This time, silently.

You couldn't stand the tension you felt. It made you embarrassed. What was he thinking!? It was torturing you!

Karma on the other hand, loved the torture you had to endure. He loved the look on your face and the humiliation you felt.

But that was just Karma being Karma.

"Karma!" You grunted, reaching for the phone.

"Give it back Bakabane!"

He smiled.

"No." And then he continued reading.

"Give it back or I'll be really angry with you!" You said.

He smiled coyly, slipping your phone into his pocket.

"If you want my attention darling, just say, no need to get all aggressive~."

The fact that he kept teasing you made it all the more worse. You hated him for it!

"It isn't nice to be ignored is it? Although I wouldn't know, I've never been ignored because I'm just that amazing. I'd like to believe earlier you were simply confused about where your priorities lie."

You suddenly froze.

So this was about your phone? What a dumbass that clown was.

"You're mad because you wanted my attention? You fucking brat!! Give me my phone! If you wanted my attention all you had to do was wait!"

He let out a laugh. A smug, laugh.

"Wait? Nothing should be a priority over me, my dear wife. That's not how it works. I am superior over all, after all."

You rolled your eyes. He could have an ego problem sometimes—no—all the time.

You reached over to get your phone from his pocket.

"Don't be silly Akabane, I have a life outside of you, you know tha-ah!" He pulled your arm away from the vicinity of his pocket but grabbed your other arm and brought you against him. His lips instantly met yours in a chaste kiss.

"Karm-" he stopped you by deepening the kiss.

He released you, a smug smirk adorning his lips.

"Can your phone do that? Hm? Is it as skilled in giving you affection as I? Even if you can read it,"

He kissed you again.

"Isn't it better to have it in reality."

You hated the fact that he was right and even worse, that you liked it.

You crossed your arms, trying to remove yourself from his lap(which he had pulled you into when he kissed you).

He gripped your arm.

"Are you going to pay attention to me now?"

You glared.

"Fine. Whatever."

"Good wife." He smiled as you punched his arm with a blush.

"Whatever, just don't forget to give me my phone."

"Perhaps...Now where were we?"

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